Today I am near a top 10 position in the trader contest

It has been a wild ride, after thinking of giving up last week
I was long Eur at the beginning of the contest, but it would not move

After being stopped out, I almost gave up
but I had one long position left: a EurNzd that I had not noticed
It brought me back up to 100K - my initial start position

Then last friday I closed at 85K, and gave it a shot again this week
This week has been much kinder to my Eur longs
and I closed most of them yesterday at 185K, leaving a EurNzd long in

After GbpUsd shot up yesterday I added GbpNzd, and GbpAud longs, too
I have just closed everything at 230K and am at place 12 in the contest for now
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