I lost just about all my profit yesterday

I was up around +240K at some point, and today I started about break-even at +5K

Yesterday was a huge battle for me - I was at it all day,
I kept believing Eur strength would fade, and was selling Eur/Usd and Gbp/Usd,
only to find that the dollar had weakened

usd/Jpy gave back all its profits from post-NFP and looked in trouble
Apparently, traders that were long were getting cold feet, and were pulling out

It didn't stop me trying to buy dips, and losing all my money

Today was a different story - I expected Eur strength to continue because of the data release CPI today
Well, wrong again, this time trouble in Greece, and down goes the Euro

I switched positions in time today, and am now long Usd/everything
Usd strength should return as Usd/Jpy has hit strong support level
and Eur is weakening

I hope to be back in the top 10 end of the week
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