Hello DFC,

I´ve found an interesting description of the term on a webinar, by a friend, Chris from the Max Trading.
How can we define a gambling trader?
The subject is immense, beginning with defining gambling itself, but for sake of a Sunday morning, lets cut to the chase on what defines a trader that gambles with the market.
So here it goes:

"Basic traits of a gambling Forex trader:

- Has no trading edge or effective trading strategy
- Doesn´t have or use a trading plan
- Doesn´t have or use a trading journal
- Pays little to no attention to risk management
- Spends most of the time focused on profits and rewards
- Often feels intense emotional ups and downs while trading
- Often holds trades in blind hope of unrealistic profit targets
- Trades far more often than they should"

We may assume that the opposite should work better right, I mean come on:
There is no gambling in successful trading, only discipline!

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