Shortly after the election to the European Parliament of the French government plans to intensify its efforts to weaken the dollar over the past year and some of the other major currencies , the stronger euro. This affects not only this country but the entire region euros exporters.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has ensured that the Socialist-led government has fulfilled the financial criteria set by the Union , but also added that the measures taken to accelerate economic growth must be accompanied by an active monetary policy for the euro is too high.

"This will be the position of President Francois Hollande in the negotiations after the European Parliament elections - showed the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls .

The representatives of France has long been to get hints that the euro zone should play a more active monetary policy , while the German side to actively resist . The French claim that the strong euro , which in recent years has strengthened against the dollar , the euro prevents rapid recovery.

In response to the French government statements , the German government said the cost of the euro - is the European Central Bank , not politics .

" The European Central Bank should get tips on what to do - today said government spokesman Steffen Seibert Germany .
Since the beginning of the euro against the dollar is a price increase by one percent , well in the last year , its value increased by more than six percent . Currently on the market one euro paid after 1.38782 dollars, or nearly the same as the previous trading session .

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