Greed is the third thing that can bring us to our knees. An old trader once told me,
that one must show the market of humility. "Take what you want", he said to me, "and leave the rest to others :-)))) " confuse
we humility not with fear. Humility means also "respect".
Activities and finish the trade for that day
immediately if a single loss. Do you always jump with stop-courses and
Do not out of greed behind a missed opportunity. And very, very important: keep your trading volume on the acceptable level for you. Many traders are destroyed financially because they go with oversized positions in the market in order in a short time
to earn as much money. Stick to the saying: "Stay in the water and stay alive."
This means that you are always on the alert and risk You how you can get over just as much, to also
continue to attack.

Thank you and gute Trades!!!
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