Hey, everybody! I'd like to speak about an internet addiction. There are many talks about it nowadays. On the radio I heard that facebook influences on people's brain like a real drugs and that it is a real problem. Scientists say that if you check your FB page twice a day it means that you already have this addiction and you need a help. Also, you know that modern kids all know how to use iphones, smartphones, ipads and so on. They have strong thumbs, but many of them don't move at all. Very often now doctors notice a lot of cases of loosing memory and low level of self-control, depression too and many other problems. Really, there are many posts and jokes about it. But I agree that is a problem. Even I speak with my friends by FaceTime, chat the whole day in What's up and so on and when we have a real meeting sometimes it seems that we have nothing to talk about, because we already know everything about each other from the internet, already saw where he or she has been, saw their new shoes or a cat and so on. Many families now spend their evenings looking into different gadjets like TV, cellphones, Ipads or computers and it is so quite in the room, because nobody talks to each other. So for me it is very sad and strange that when we have an opportunity to spend time with people who we really love we don't do that. So guys and girls, let's meet with our friends and family more often and never forget to tell all of them how much you love them! I love you, community, have a wonderful night!) XXX

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