BeautybyLesya's Blog


Something about champagne!)

Hey everyone! Just want to tell you about champagne. You know that women like this drink if not to drink it too much of course.) But do everybody know how to serve it? So, usually it serves in special glasses in a form of a flute. The most flat and wide glass helps to feel better the taste of sweet sparklingwine, but it doesn't keep inside the smell and bubbles. You may remember many movies where you can see a pyramid made from such a glasses.) They say that the real champagne wine is a brut. It…
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ivan_taranov avatar

I like to open champagne) Not to drink!)

williamb avatar
williamb 17 Mar.

thanks for the advices

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

great stuffs

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Internet addiction

Hey, everybody! I'd like to speak about an internet addiction. There are many talks about it nowadays. On the radio I heard that facebook influences on people's brain like a real drugs and that it is a real problem. Scientists say that if you check your FB page twice a day it means that you already have this addiction and you need a help. Also, you know that modern kids all know how to use iphones, smartphones, ipads and so on. They have strong thumbs, but many of them don't move at all. Very of…
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JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 16 Mar.

Yes :)) .

williamb avatar
williamb 17 Mar.

it sad see kids play with smartphone all day

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

perhaps curse of our technologies?

antoine avatar
antoine 23 Oct.

You're right. I won't visit this site and your blog anymore.

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Why women with big bags are so unhappy?

Hello, community. Today I'd like to talk a little bit about bags. One russian famous fashion designer told, that women who wear big bags can' t be happy. There were a lot of different discussions after such her statement. Lots of people said that happy women wears different bags or that it's impossible to judge a woman and her level of happiness, looking only at her back. Moreover, everybody has their own opinion about happiness and small bags aren't suitable for every woman. But, to be honest, …
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Starsmil avatar
Starsmil 4 Mar.

тащи давай, не отлынивай

zambonidriver avatar

I like that huge bag ....but I am myself a big fan of "traveling light"

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

well, if you have to lug a large bag around all day long, I am sure you will not feel too happy either :p

antoine avatar
antoine 23 Oct.

I like women with big bags.

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Alessandro Safina and his concert

Hello, everyone! I'd like to share with you my emotions! I've visited the concert of Alessandro Safina on 29th of February! It was the only concert in Moscow. I was so unbelievably happy to be there! His voice is just amazing! He sang on 5 different languages: italian, spanish, english, french and russian. In the beginning he said "Spasibo bolshoe" and that he is on the stage not for talking, but for singing and his songs will tell everything better than words. He is 52 years old, he a great ita…
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zambonidriver avatar

it was sure an amazing concert !!!

williamb avatar
williamb 17 Mar.

I never heard this name

salamandra avatar
salamandra 18 Mar.

мне нравится этот певец

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.


antoine avatar
antoine 23 Oct.


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Home, sweet home

Hey, everyone. We all I guess live in a place where we can feel ourselves very comfortable, safe and calm. But every house or a flat has one or a few special places, where we can spend almost the whole day and have some rest. In my flat is a boudoir with a big 3-sides mirror. Actually, this my home makeup studio. There I keep all my makeup and brushes and everything what I might need for a beauty. I like to seat there, trying to create different makeup looks. Also, I like to listen to music or s…
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tishina avatar
tishina 28 Feb.

Ммм... Мечта любой девушки! :-)

Mariia avatar
Mariia 2 Mar.

Красота какаяяяяя

Zews avatar
Zews 2 Mar.

И ты всем этим пользуешься???)

zambonidriver avatar

one see you are a pro !!!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

we all need our space and will create one for ourselves if we can

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Pet's birthday!)

Hello, community! How are you? Hope that great! Well, today I realized that my kitten soon is going to be a 6 months old teenager!) So I started to think is it possible to make a cat feel happy? Usually they say that cats see us people only as a food-giving machine and they can't feel something. But I don't think so. My kitten is a very active and funny. He wants to know everything, he smells flowers, he jumps everywhere, he gets inside the dishwasher when I'm trying to fulfill it, he watches TV…
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Zews avatar
Zews 2 Mar.

А когда у твоего кота день рождения?

zambonidriver avatar

I have a "pet" like that too ;-)  Happy 6 months Lars

VALTRAD avatar

Здорово, смешно, позитивно. Мы тоже своему коту отмечаем Д

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug. animals remember their birthdays? Hope cats don't!

antoine avatar
antoine 23 Oct.

Yeah,a big  pet party. Dogs, cats , birds , turtles, hamsters, minnows, etc, all invited.

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Battle for the body!

Hello, everyone! What I want to say, that it doesn't matter how close is summer, because I think that the real beautiful and young and even not young lady should try to look amazing always! There are many ways how to remain fit. We can go to gym every day, we can do latin or ballroom dances, we can swim or just do some basic movements at home... The main thing is that we should do anything and better if all the time) Of course we shouldn't forget that it is very important to eat good and healthy…
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Zews avatar
Zews 27 Feb.

Класс! А на хоккей можно заменить?)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Feb.

great tips

BeautybyLesya avatar

Zews конечно можно!) Можно даже устроить потом баттл хоккеистов  с фигуристами))))

r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 28 Feb.

Королева льда!)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

good sport

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Hello, community! Today I'd like to tell you about one person. He is a great singer, actor, writer and his name is Tyrese. You kow what, first time I noticed him as a singer, when I was watching the Boys and Girls movie. It's some american romantic comedy with Jason Biggs and Fredy Prince Jr., but there was a very romantic and emotional moment and at this moment I heard a very beautiful song by Tyrese called Lately. This song is already 18 years old actually, but I can listen it every day, over…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Feb.

.....talking about "oldies", Pink Floyd was founded in 1965 by students Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, and Richard Wright...and became successful with their albums The Dark Side of the Moon (1973), Wish You Were Here (1975), Animals (1977), The Wall (1979) and The Final Cut (1983). The Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall became two of the best-selling albums of all time.....and I still love to listen to a lot of their music all the time :))

BeautybyLesya avatar

Yes I agree that there is an immortal music in the world!)

r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 28 Feb.

Помню его по Форсажам! Смешной тип!)

VALTRAD avatar

Позитивный чел.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

yah, he is pretty good

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Be my Valentine!

Hello, community! I know that it's a bit late, but anyway! I think that we can celebrate Valentine's Day every day if we have a couple. So, I want to share with you how would I spend this beautiful day. Well, I don't think that it should be some materialistic thing. I think that both of you should remember this day. So, I think you should start from an amazing breakfast made of favorite food of your honey-bunny and add a lot of kisses and smiles! Then, as it's a winter day, you can go for a publ…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Feb.

yes, we should spread the love around :))

BeautybyLesya avatar

RahmanSL do you celebrate St. Valentine's day?

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Feb.

yes, some of our communities celebrate Valentine's day :))

BeautybyLesya avatar

RahmanSL and what about you?)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

me??...ehhh...if I like someone, then it's everyday is a valentine;right? :D

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Hi! I'd like to tell you about one interesting place, which situated in San-Francisco, one of my favorite cities of USA! As for me, it is a great start-up and an interesting idea for a business. The name of this place is BrainWash and this is a laundry!) But it isn't a simple laundry which we usually can see in some american movies. Every washing machine has its own name like David Bowie and many other famous singers and actors. There is a cafe inside, where you can order a very tasty burger or …
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Feb.

why not simply based your laundry business on the American's concept that appeal to you as a customer :))

BeautybyLesya avatar

RahmanSL but you know, actually it's not so popular in Russia, because everybody has their own washing machines at home.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 28 Feb.

in big and crowed cities, self laundry business should work because there probably is insufficient space in small rented apartments for washer & dryer machines.

BeautybyLesya avatar

RahmanSL maybe you are right. What I really like is the dryer machine it is a very comfortabe thing!)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Aug.

..and a very quick and easy way to dry your clothes if you need to use them :D

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