Hello community!!
This is my topic about gratitude 2014 year in my life. Why? Because many different things happened in this year.
And I am grateful to every person and every situation in my life.
I love life.. I like to achieve my goals. I always had to fight for my goals and desires. Because of this I have become a strong person.
Thank you, life!
2014 year was for me a time of change.
What kind of change?
  • My new work = my new hobby
  • Many new interesting friends
  • Dukascopy community and contest - Miss Dukascopy
  • Adrenaline
  • Travel
  • Self-development and new practice - meditation
  • Time for yourself
  • Sport
  • New goals for 2015 year
Thank you 2014 year. You have been very memorable for me, but it was not easy.
Thank you..
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