Final day status report:

Reaching this mile-stone now, I'm truly glad I went through this new routine and review for this 21 days.

Learn lots on how having quality meals and how making simple adjustments could make a good impact to my overall well-being and outlook to life.

As a whole, my mind is much re-charged and my body also felt healthier.
It motivates and opened my eyes to a much better lifestyle.

The benefits seen and felt makes it all worth while!
A journey well-spent!

  • Before

  • After (without flexing):

  • After (with flexing):

  • #pullinstomach - 30 reps.;
  • #morningexercises - 30 squats, plank (1 min.), down-ward dog (1 min.);
  • #eyesexcercises - done using video from day 11.
  • #drinkwater - target 2 liters - left half;
  • #non-carbonated drink- Milo.
  • #meditate - done with prayers.
Ok, that's it for now

Wish everyone good health, wealth and happiness!

翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示