Hello my dear friends!

Money, where do you go? I think every woman put this question at least once in her life and I'm not an exception. We live in such a century when we have an access to a wide range of goods and services. It's in our nature to follow fashion, to change our appearance and to buy more and more new clothes and accessories.

When I was a student, I was short in of in money. I spent more than I got. When my mom sent me money, it was a real holiday for me and my friends (because I'm a very generous person). So the first half of a month I lived as a princess, and the second one I got along on a shoestring. Then I graduated the University and my adulthhood began. I had to be responsible for a lot of things. I started to work and to earn my own money. The time of endless parties and careless life was over and I understood that I had to change my attitude towards money.

Now I try to spend money smartly. I try not to buy things which I really don't need. I learnt how to distribute them, that's why I can live all month long without any troubles. The next step is to learn how to save money and I would be able to say that I reach the highest level of thrift

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