Несмотря на то, что училась я по специальности "Графический дизайн" у нас были некоторые уроки для рекламистов. Основным заданием на полгода по данному предмету было выбрать компанию в Новосибирске и разработать для нее серийную рекламу. Я сделала 2 варианта рекламы для кофейни: первый со слоганом "Аромат твоей мечты", плакаты которого подразумевают, что выпивая чай в данной кофейне вы думаете только о самом хорошем (например о своих мечтах, которые скоро осуществятся). На разработку этих плакатов было потрачено много времени и сил: фотосесия, а дальше еще более долгая обработка, начиная от смены интерьера в фотошопе до прорисовывания пара из кружки, занявшее часов 8. Был разработан и другой вариант - реклама с тизером, которая понравилась преподавателям больше и которую пришлось доделывать и сдавать,как основную работу, хотя мое сердце принадлежит первой работе.=)
Despite the fact that I studied at the specialty "Graphic Design" we had some lessons for advertisers. The main task for the six months was to choose a company in Novosibirsk, and to develop an advertising for it (3 banners). I made 2 versions of advertising for coffee and tea shop: the first with the slogan "The fragrance of your dreams" which posters imply when you drink tea in this coffee shop, you think only about good things (for example, about their dreams, which soon will be realized). The development of these posters have spent a lot of time: photo session, and the processing of photos, starting from the change of interior and to drawing the couple of mugs, rated about 8 hours for 1 banner. It was also developed another version - a teaser advertising which teachers liked more and which I had to finish and take it as a main work. In this version russian word "Nevznachai" (quite unexpectedly) rhymes the word tea (russian "CHAI")
Despite the fact that I studied at the specialty "Graphic Design" we had some lessons for advertisers. The main task for the six months was to choose a company in Novosibirsk, and to develop an advertising for it (3 banners). I made 2 versions of advertising for coffee and tea shop: the first with the slogan "The fragrance of your dreams" which posters imply when you drink tea in this coffee shop, you think only about good things (for example, about their dreams, which soon will be realized). The development of these posters have spent a lot of time: photo session, and the processing of photos, starting from the change of interior and to drawing the couple of mugs, rated about 8 hours for 1 banner. It was also developed another version - a teaser advertising which teachers liked more and which I had to finish and take it as a main work. In this version russian word "Nevznachai" (quite unexpectedly) rhymes the word tea (russian "CHAI")