Let's play a game.
Imagine that you are in XXII century and see that society is divided into two classes.
Upper class: very intelligent, well-educated people who make all the decisions.
Lower class: people who are slave addicts of a powerful drug - entertainment. Since childhood they play great but very addictive games. Their work is also styled as a game. When people grow up a sophisticated porn industry starts get a control over them, the opportunities which are much more than the usual sex.
In this world there is no censorship and dictatorship. All the knowledge available, but they are not interesting for anyone. A man who doesn't want to have fun looks like an idiot in others eyes. Such people are placed in a hospital and treated with soft drugs.
Let us assume for a moment that you do not like this brave new world. You gather a group of like-minded people (from the hospital) and want to change the situation. How would you act?