1. Dependence on sweet and fatty food.Modern women cherish their bodies and health, choose foods tasty and healthy, and some are sitting on a diet. Nevertheless, the vast majority of regular breaks, because it is not able to resist the fries and caramel popcorn. 2. Dependence on fitness.If the dependence on high-calorie food often occurs in people, which is a child spoiled sweets, the fitness addicts are those whose parents loved for his achievements. And the man himself gets used to love for their achievements.I ran 5 kilometers? Well done! She raised the 13-pound barbell? Clever! 3. Passion for shopping.It is generally believed that the habit of uncontrolled spend money on all the small stuff is peculiar only to rich people. But no, you can buy 100 lipsticks or jars of cream for 30 rubles, and everything will be small. 4. Dependence on beauty treatments and facilities.
It can be very different from mania to buy Korean cloth masks to abuse of painful procedures and plastic surgery.
With dependency there is a problem: the more they are easier and more obvious than the result, the more their subjects. Become dependent on the beauty industry is a snap: make masks and treatments at the salon easier than wrung up a sweat in the gym. And the result is a well-kept taut skin is visible at once, and sports have to deal with at least a month. 5. Passion for gossip.
This, of course, less popular women's weakness, and it is not connected to the external appearance, and with the inner world. Often it occurs in people who have realized that the information - is power. It's true: the time spoken word can form a definite opinion about the person or situation.
By the way, men also love to gossip. However, they kind of talk is called "exchange of information".
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