In these days to get new information it’s very easy, just need to click on some websites pages and its ready to be read. But not always it’s easy to keep your attention on laptop or iPad screen, sometimes it’s very difficult to concentrate. For example you are reading article and suddenly you remember that need to check email box or you just see coming message from dukascopy social community. It takes your attention too and can be problematic to come back to read the same article. The second thing to read magazine as printed its more exciting. You can touch newspapers and it’s in Your hands, it gives special feeling than just to touch buttons or screen. After reading you can keep it near You and any time to look or read again. So magazine or newspaper gives more special feelings and important news coming more fastly, can be keeping in memory for longer time. So let's take your favourite coffe or tea and have a nice reading session, let's improve yourself!

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