So today I'm the one, who isn't sitting still. I constantly chase for some happiness, which I always see somewhere there, there is around the corner. I constantly say myself: "If I become a model, then I'll be really happy or if I get married, or go to another country, and then I'll definitely be happy!". it's recognizable, isn't it? It's understood that over the corner we're unlikely to find what are looking for,aren't it? Because there most of that, what will be in our field of vision, it's a new corner and after there is another and another... And it'll not end, yes? I think those therapists are right, who talk about "emotional underfed" in the children's period of our lives. When we all were swaddled tightly and were left to sleep alone to form a sense of happiness not as a natural presence, but as a goal. To which it's necessary to strive for, otherwise mom will leave us, and we will again be alone in the dark in a tiny bed. And here that programmed worry is a natural consequence of emotional hunger. And now, when we are adults, we constantly feel this worry, something elusive and yet the most important thing that we have lost forever. It is reflected in the inexplicable conviction that we can only be happy if you earn or steal another million. And then happiness will fall on our head! But no matter how much we have filled our pockets, brains and stomachs, we still continue to want more...Most of wealth, power, fame, more love....
As long as this abundance doesn't let to grasp the total emptiness, the insatiable satiety. It sounds so funny, doesn't it? And the source of that emptiness and the pain is just simply baby desire to fall asleep on mother's arms .... And again and again we look at the storefronts with a voracious glance, and this "necessary" is somewhere there, over the corner... We must know that a happiness isn't somewhere's here and now. It's simple feelings. We know this, but we never thought about it. We're running somewhere, running for the elusive ghost.
As long as this abundance doesn't let to grasp the total emptiness, the insatiable satiety. It sounds so funny, doesn't it? And the source of that emptiness and the pain is just simply baby desire to fall asleep on mother's arms .... And again and again we look at the storefronts with a voracious glance, and this "necessary" is somewhere there, over the corner... We must know that a happiness isn't somewhere's here and now. It's simple feelings. We know this, but we never thought about it. We're running somewhere, running for the elusive ghost.