The weekend is on and I would love to share how was my yesterday night make up!

First of all I would say that I made my make up in 5 minutes! hahahaha Yes! and that is why I want to share with all, how quickly and nice make up you can do it you focus on the right parts of the face I didn't have much time yesterday to do my make up, I had friends over and we suddenly decided to go out, so I had to rush with my look.

I decided to go for a simple and classic make up that goes well with any outfit and any place I would go too. I started with a nice eyeliner, closely applied on the eyelashes and not so bold ( first to make it easier and second to keep more classy). Going just a little bit over the eyes on the side.

Mascara on the eyelashes, more on the top and just a little bit on the lower part.

After done with eyes, I just applied a lips pencil to design the lips nicely and a Plum color lipstick. I love this color, its in the middle of a Red, Pink and Wine color, just nice to match with anything you wear.

If you can have 1minute more and apply a bronzer on the cheeks is a plus!! just a little bit to keep natural.

Skin? Nothing! Keep like the way you are! As I Miss will always have a beautiful skin

And that is really all!! I do love the look and its classy and naturally. My tip would be, if you don't have much time for a makeup, just focus first on a bold lips and do the most natural and shaped eyes that it will look like you spend a lot of time on the look!

Thank you :* Xoxo
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