Bad news: lack of sleep not only makes you irritable, it can also affect your weight. A new study showed that those who sleep less than eight hours a day, there is an elevated level of stress hormone cortisol, which adversely affects the intestinal microflora, slowing metabolism. Worried? It's not worth it. Here are six simple ways to deal with this.

Go to the hall in the evening
Forget about the early rise to visit the gym: the best time for training is after work. Go straight to the counter with dumbbells, and, according to the International Journal of Sport Nutrition, you can accelerate your metabolism for 16 hours. You will burn fat during sleep, it is better to get enough sleep and wake up full of energy.

Drink cocktails
Feed your hungry muscles, changing serum to casein in your cocktail after training. This protein of slow assimilation is digested for 8 hours, supporting the metabolism fire all night. Scientists from the University of Maastricht found that casein strengthens protein synthesis, which helps you cut 35 calories per day for every half a kilogram of new muscle mass.

Take a cold shower
A cold shower not only relieves muscle pain after exercise. According to scientists, 30 seconds of ice shower is enough to activate in your body the burning of brown fat. Overnight you can burn up to 400 calories in this way. Do not forget to pour your head: a lot of brown fat is deposited in the back of the neck and shoulders. That's that.

Drink green tea
Drink tea, but not black. Flavonoids in green tea stimulate your metabolism and, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, if this is the third cup per day, help burn 3.5% more calories.

Keep your head in the cold
A duvet and full batteries will help save the heat bill. According to the National Institute for Diabetes Control, reducing the room temperature by 4 ø C will allow you to burn 7% more calories, because your body will start burning fat to maintain body temperature. Take off your socks, turn the pillow cold side up, sleep and lose weight.

Get enough sleep
According to Annals of Internal Medicine, the shortage of just 16 minutes of sleep already leads to weight gain. Prolonged sleep reduces the level of the ghrelin hormone responsible for appetite, and reduces the level of the leptin hormone responsible for satiety. Disclaimer: we are not responsible for morning delays.
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