You never know what could inspire you. It may be a question, a dream you had last night, a song you’re listening to right now or a movie you’re watching – you can totally be inspired by everyone and everything. I was asked earlier today if I believe in destiny. Good question ???? And yes, I do believe in destiny.

I believe that everyone has their own path in life, own story and battles to fight. Moreover, I would say that destiny gives us resources, chances, opportunities – we just have to choose and decide what is best for us. Of course sometimes we are making mistakes and blaming destiny for this, which is very convenient)) It’s slightly better than facing the truth. And it’s absolutely human.

I also think that destiny will never work alone. If we want something, destiny will help us, only if we’re fighting and working hard to achieve it. It’s like teamwork. You inspire and help each other to be better, to be successful, to walk your path with glory no matter the ups and downs.

Destiny loves winners. The ones that fight for their dreams, the ones that want to be and to have more. Dreaming without action will scare your destiny away. And we don’t want this, right? ))

Destiny is shaped by our thoughts, choices and actions. And the best part is that we can change it. Because we are the owners.

Believe in yourself and choose the direction of your life.
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