Many contestants write blogs about their addiction to dukascopy, some of them say that they can't even imagine life without dukascopy... What about me? I wanna say: "Thank u Dukascopy" for opening my eyes...
I have a lot of friends.. No no.. I HAD a lot of friends before this contest...
Why "had" ? Well... For this contest I asked some of my close friends to support me.. Maybe 2 of them did it and the rest even doesn't answer to me.. I spent with that people a lot of years together and now when I need help (so simple) they ignore me.. So now I can imagine if I have a big troubles in my life what will this people do? But now I know an answer: they will leave me. So I decide to stop any communications with them.. Of course I'm a bit upset but at the same time I'm so surprised about many other people who weren't so close to me before and they gave me so big support.. I found that some of them are traiders and they were also thankful to me for showing them dukascopy website. So now I can say that some kind of exchange happened to me: I lost unreliable people and get new reliable friends! I am HAPPY
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