
After talking about Info-Business and couching
I found one interesting project. It taking place in Latvia,Riga, but online too (on Facebook)

Of course I decide to participate in it! I love motivation projects and couching!

So we will have a group, and each of us will choose the "Aim" -what we want realise before New Year!

You already knew, I did such webinars (about How to make your wish come true,there were good methods I tried on my own).
But of course, better not to stand on one place, and I still have a list(you remember I post it- my wish list), so and such couching groups,when everyday you find a time to realise your aim,and communicating with other participants, cheering them up, and seeing their success - motivate a lot! And gives great results! Im sure I will learn more from it.

That's good, because I already made some notes about To Do list for November. So this projects is perfectly fits!

  • So for the 60 days Plans, Im choosing to finish my projects. (Filming portfolio,Acting and Photo Portfolio, and other creative ideas. Re-read them - realise or leave behind. Because if there something stays longer than 5 years and you still cannot realise it (it need to be re-thinked, Is it still your's ? )
As you know, each of us changing every 7 years (thought, views,life).

Our couching and counting will Starts on Saturday! 1 of November!

I will share my experience with you there
Come on! That will be great if you also think what would you like to realise before New Yer comes!

Good luck!
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