I grow up in a happy community small province. Were people are too contented on their simple life. The Involvement of different products is not so important for us.
As long as they their needs their HAPPY.

My beauty Secret is Laughter.
You do not need to be happy or have a sense of humour to benefit from a good laugh.
I can't tell you how incredibly freeing and fun it was to experience the pure hilarity of laughing at myself! Laughing at others rates right up there too.
Laughing is an excellent way to reduce stress in our lives, and can help you to cope with and survive a stressful lifestyle.
When you frown you use more muscles in your face than when you smile.
Smiling leads to laughter.
Laughter is usually contagious. Leading to wonderful endorphins being release throughout your body. Leaving you a wonderful feeling
One good thing is Laughter is FREE!

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