The origins of fashion. True fashions begin to eppear in northen europe and italy when a system of
social classes developed in the late middle ages. At this time,the people of europe began to classify
one another in to groups based on such factors as wealth, ancentry,and occupation.
The clothes people wore helped indentify them as members of a particular social class. Before the late middle ages
only wealthy and powerfull indidivuals concerend themselves with the style of their clothes.
But when the class system developed,the general population began to complete for positions whithin
society.Fashion was one means by which people competed with one another
Oneof the true fashions appeared among young italian men during the Renaissance (1300-1600)
While their elders dressed in long traditional robes,young italian males began wearing tights and
close fitting jackets called doublets.
German soldiers set another early fashion when they slashed their luxurious slik clothes with knives
to reveal another colorfull garment underneath.
And that is what i learn from history fashion.
Greetings gabythelady
social classes developed in the late middle ages. At this time,the people of europe began to classify
one another in to groups based on such factors as wealth, ancentry,and occupation.
The clothes people wore helped indentify them as members of a particular social class. Before the late middle ages
only wealthy and powerfull indidivuals concerend themselves with the style of their clothes.
But when the class system developed,the general population began to complete for positions whithin
society.Fashion was one means by which people competed with one another
Oneof the true fashions appeared among young italian men during the Renaissance (1300-1600)
While their elders dressed in long traditional robes,young italian males began wearing tights and
close fitting jackets called doublets.
German soldiers set another early fashion when they slashed their luxurious slik clothes with knives
to reveal another colorfull garment underneath.
And that is what i learn from history fashion.
Greetings gabythelady