1. I'm a pretty honest person, usually I prefer to avoid the question than to lie.
Most of the time I usually lie to myself:

This is the last time in my life I eat in McDonalds's.
Okay.. the last time in this month..

It's the last dress I buy this month...
okay, the only one more...

I will never call this guy.. the last time. I will never write him.
the last last last time. May be he became better?

(like in the post about the second chance)

2. I lie to my relatives.

About presents I get from them:

Ah yes yes! I always dreamed about the hat you made for me
(Still don't know where to put some presents from then and it's good to have less presents though the hat was good )

About relations with the men:

I can't tell them about all the men who are interested in me or whom I like not mutually. What's the matter? Just empty duscussions.
Better to say about someone when I get married

In Russia there is still an opinion that we must get married and give a birth to children as fast as possible, and I'm sure my relatives already are worried for me and burried a hope for me.

A mother is talking to her daugher: "Dear, could you just get married for the sake of decency, get divorced and live your life as you wish "

In the end I feel like a biggest lier. I would even say "Lier" is my second name

C'est terrible !
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