Any issues and improvment are welcome to be posted , in-case it is worth of try to put the changes It will be available at:

jForex-priceDeviationAndOpoSideWhat is that strategy:
  • set the tradable instruments by equity
  • set the amount for the orders by equity
  • close order as the current equity is above gain-percentage
  • enter SL as trailing step at profit
  • email on new orders
  • email on orders close by gainBase
the amount is calculated by the FreeMargin/numOrders/2/ValuePerPip (like, 4USD per pip of one order of instrument , 100Pip=400USD equity usage)
1) price-deviation, as the price has the change by the current timePeriodSet MinMax %90-/+ price-deviation is (currentFoundBaseMinMaxToOneMin/changeBigFrameToOneMinTheWeekMinMax) = equal current probability for timePeriod to work with. -> timePeriodSet
2) CCI +120 it is sell, CCI is -120 it is buy (timeperiod by timePeriodSet x8 )
3) kama (kamaTimeperiod by timePeriodSet x2 ) = fastPeriod kamaTimeperiod /4 kamaTimeperiod /2 change up is BUY, change down is SELL
  • as 3 of the indicators return the same TREND (buy or sell) order executed by the TREND
  • on order close at profit of at least 1st trailing-step a new order executed to the opposide dircetion
Everything is dynamic by the:
public double defFirstStep = 10; public double minFirstStep = 2.5;
starting from the currentFoundBaseMinMaxToOneMin to work by
what happens EUR/USD price change waits for 15.0~Pip
while GBP/USD wait for difference of 70.0~Pip
the same regards the trailing-steps sizes.
currently parameters set:
  • trade 32 instruments in-both directions
  • max 4 order for each dircetions
  • max Merges 3
  • while new order of the same direction is executed as the previous has distance of 60% from the week's MAX-MIN and merging as the 2nd order got 55% from the week's MAX-MIN
the " week's MAX-MIN" is at the configurations parameters the:
@Configurable("STDdev timePeriod")
public int STDminsPeriod = 168;
@Configurable("STDdev Period")
public Period STDPeriod = Period.ONE_HOUR;
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