UPDATE: PokerCredit Refunds and Prize distribution has been completed.
We apologize for the caused inconvenience All participants will have the Tournament Fees reimbursed, along with additional reimbursement of 500 PokerCredits.
Due to the fact that the Tournament was near the end at the time when the error was encountered - Cash Prize fund, will be split between two players with Highest number of chips. They are:
- Lyder with 48521.54 chips - Cash prize of 75 USD
- fullmoon with 23618.47 chips - Cash prize of 75 USD
- agrawal4443 with 7065.05 chips
- Superbrat with 6921.02 chips
- Fxtrader500 with 5853.75 chips
- win007 with 5517.4 chips
- cyrus323 with 1502.77 chpis
The PokerCredits winnings will be awarded in full, according to the Payout Structure and participants place at the time of the error.
Today's Daily tournament will start as scheduled with regular rules and prizes applied.
We welcome you to register and participate in the Daily and Weekly tournament events, have fun game of poker and possibly WIN CASH prizes!
Best regards,
Support Team