Money is a state of mind," Goi said in a recent interview. "It is a mind set. I teach that there is a specific mind set that will be attractive toward money. It comes down to your thoughts, feelings and images that arise in your mind. There is also a way to think that repels money."

According to Goi, the operative mechanism is the subconscious mind. "Most metaphysicians agree that the subconscious mind is an automatic engine. It's job is to create in the outer world what we are creating with our minds. The subconscious does not make judgment calls. It believes everything that you show it, good or bad, right or wrong, and makes them true," Goi said.

Goi said that a powerful money-attracting technique is to think about the end result, which will help us to conjure up the appropriate thoughts, images and feelings. All of these elements are crucial to creating a positive outcome.

It is critical to avoid negative thoughts, feelings and images about money. "The best way to stop negative thinking and to turn around our mental habits is to turn our back on them and focus on thinking positive things," Goi said. "The old thoughts will die of their own accord eventually. You will make new neuronal connections in the brain, the ones that make you feel good."

He acknowledges that taking this course of action will be a challenge. "The way we tend to think will always be the way we think," Goi said. "If we want to start to tend to think differently, the only way to do that is to start thinking differently. It becomes easier, hour by hour, day by day. You start to build momentum. There is a definite element of discipline involved."

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