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Parka coat is Fall 2014 must-have! Rate from 1 to 10 how do you like it and get +5 task points added to your latest completed task!
Куртка-парка это один из главных трендов осенне-зимнего сезона! Оцени от 1 до 10 насколько тебе нравится эта деталь гардероба и получи +5 баллов к последнему выполненному заданию.
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KarynaPavlova avatar

8. This is a nice piece of wardrobe, It is comfortable for walks and camping, it saves you from rain and keeps you warm. Plus, it can hide some of the shapes of your body that you don't like, although I have always considered it more beautiful on skinny girls.
So I put 8 only because it is not really my style:)

Isahanova avatar
Isahanova 29 Oct.

My mark iiiis....9! I would put 10 but one minus is that if it will be rainy, parka will be wet as well! But I love the style, I love that is very warm. You can wear all kind of shoes with it ! (of course except high heels :D But still its very fashionable and stylish :)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 Oct.

ОХ, я считаю что это незаменимая вещь. Правда, когда идешь в магазин, или на прогулку с друзьями, не формальную встречу, такая вещь в стиле кежуал будет очень удобной, выглядеть современно, особенно если такая куртка исполнена из натуральных материалов это шикарно. Лично я предпочитаю вещи только из таковых. Котон мой любимый, на пример, для повседневной жизни.
+ Такое пальтишко хочешь того, или нет, заставит чувствовать себя подростком, а это, согласитесь, всегда приятно :)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 Oct.

Так что я считаю, это определенно 10-ка!))

Lyudmyla_Ionova avatar

100%, a very useful thing!!!

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USD/JPY Speaking a Few Bearish Words in H1 TF

USD/JPY Hourly Time Frame Technical Data Validating Reversal:1. Convergence of 127 XA, D point & 141 AB=CD at extreme price level in the Price Reversal Zone (PRZ)2. The 224 BC, D point projection acting as major resistance price level.3. Divergence of price and RSI.4. 5, 13, & 62 crossover with the session closing below 62 EMA as entry point.Price Targets - Price Targets - S!, S2 & S3.
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Dmtrv avatar
Dmtrv 26 Apr.

ERRATUM: The D point XA retracement should be 88.6 instead of 127.projection.

geula4x avatar
geula4x 28 Apr.

+1 Liked: Very nice technical analysis and use of confluence idea to find a key resistance area. Happy trading :-)

Dmtrv avatar
Dmtrv 29 Apr.

Price target/objective at Support level 1 accomplished. Next price target/objective will just be a couple candle sessions more to go......... Thanks for all your appreciations, guys. Have a pleasant trading days ahead...................

Dmtrv avatar
Dmtrv 30 Apr.

Second price objective @ 97.25, C point or support level 2 has just been hit in swift downside move breaching momentarily a key support level at 97.00 then back-pedaled for a breather in a corrective move in preparation perhaps of a substantial downside trend continuation.

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