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The kitchen in Timimoun, Algeria

Our latest concept, the 1st Cooking Workshops in Timimoun. Discover the Zenetian culture through its cuisine, learn its tastes and take them home, share your stay with yours and make known the Delicate Algerian cuisine!
Our latest concept, the 1st Cooking Workshops in Timimoun. Discover the Zenetian culture through its cuisine, learn its tastes and take them home, share your stay with yours and make known the Delicate Algerian cuisine!
Our latest concept, the 1st Cooking Workshops in Timimoun.…
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Фестиваль " Книжный Арсенал"

Привет всем любителям книг и ценителям искусства . На этой неделе ,а именно с 20 по 24 апреля , в Киеве состоится 6-й фестиваль " Книжный Арсенал"
В фестивале примут участие многие известные авторы , философы и художники (Зигмунд Милошевский, Эдгар Керрет и Карола Ханссон к примеру). Вас ждут автограф сессии , интересные беседы , презентации книг и издательств ,как украинских , так и зарубежных. Подготовлена специальная детская программа, в которой презентуют детскую литературу Скандинавии.
На ф…
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tdbatinkov avatar

that is really good

JuliannaS avatar

tdbatinkov  hope can visit it)

Naddin avatar
Naddin 19 Abr

наверняка интересно будет))

JuliannaS avatar

Naddin да , буду писать пост )

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Один из способов изучения культуры)

Страну можно изучать и узнавать не только по архитектуре или местной кухне,
в каждой культуре также свое отношение к процедурам для души и тела.
На Гавайях традиционным является массаж "ломи-ломи" - с их наречия это можно перевести как "мягкое касание бархатной лапы довольного кота")) массах длится около трех часов, с использованием масел и под звуки полинезийских ритмов.
После такого массажа проспать можно более суток!))
Индонезия встретит "лулуром" — это процедуры, включающие массаж "джаму", с…
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pashok888 avatar

а есть люди которые не любят расслабляющий массаж?

chelseaseera avatar

попробовал бы Японский метод)

Helena_Prekrasnaj avatar

мне бы все процедуры по очереди))

Marina12 avatar
Marina12 7 Maio

мне по душе Индонезия)) ей еще один плюс))

EXclusion avatar
EXclusion 18 Maio

японский способ релакса мне по душе)

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Искусство как один из феноменов культуры

Искусство- это синоним красоты и гармонии. Онотесно связано с творчеством, необычным восприятием мира. С помощью искусства
также можно передавать эстетическую информацию. Не случайно и то, что оно
существовало как утопическая модель общества. Например, в истории культуры были попытки построить жизнь позаконам искусства: романтики, русские символисты. Оно способно на многое, так
как воздействует на духовную сторону человека.
Искусство сопровождаетчеловека на протяжении всей истории его существо…
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Anna_Konoplyastaya avatar


1haruka1 avatar
1haruka1 20 Jun

Спасибо, я старалась))

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Korean Commerials are cute. (videos here)

Why? Neetu. Why?
They're so cute! I like them. So what if they make no sense.
Don't judge me.
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Waves avatar
Waves 30 Out


Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 Out

OMG they are so hilarious!! don't make sense but makes me want to buy the product. How weird lol.

Roopy avatar
Roopy 31 Out

I seriously love these

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Must eat in Tokyo... for Science! (part 3)

This time I'm gonna tell you about a traditional Japanese dessert, or snack.
Especially, when its cold out, you can find food stands or small hole in the wall places selling and making fresh taiyaki.
It made with a batter, kind of like waffles that is formed into fish shapes and sometimes other shapes. It's made in a waffle iron type machine. It's packed, or really full of a filling.
You can choose the filling. The traditional ones are sweet red bean paste or white bean paste but you can also ge…
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Neetu avatar
Neetu 28 Out

Oishii ne.

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Korea vs Europe

My friends are back in Seoul after visiting some countries in Europe. they visited: Norway, Sweden, France, Poland, Holland, and... maybe that's all.
After this experience they talked about some differences between Korea and Europe. FYI: Japan does have a variety of cheese, mostly imported.
I definitly felt the fashion difference when I went to Europe for the first time. In Japan and Korea people are very very fashionabe and love clothes and dressing up and there are many kinds of styles tha…
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DumbAsArock avatar

Thanks for your support. +1

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Do you know Cockney?

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CriticalSection avatar

haha welcome to london!! - you've captured some of the peculiarities unique to london - well done!

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Music Mondays: the AOA edition

Hey guys!
I've been really busy lately, but I don't wanna neglect music mondays. I love music and like sharing too. Here, I can introduce you to a new group or artist.
This is the Ace of Angels (AOA) Edition
I'm gonna post here their debut single from last year. It's called "Get out"
In this video you see 8 different movies represented. Can you name them all?
The more difficult of the movies to mention are "The fifth element" and "Leon", I think.
Anyway, This group consists of 7 girls and 1 who …
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Roopy avatar
Roopy 23 Out

I love girl bands the best.

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Kawaii trends and Tokyo Work and Life (pics, video)

Recently my blog posts have been really quirky. Probably most traders aren't like me, but there are a lot of cute and trendy girls here too so who knows. Even if you aren't into fashion or Kawaii style, it might be interesting to see what's going on and what Young people are into these days.
I live in Italy where fashion trends are a lot more conservative and classical. In Tokyo, more than in L.A or any other place I've been to, there are no rules and anything goes. You can be whoever you want a…
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Ari101 avatar
Ari101 21 Out

This seems really neat, I think nobody would ever have the courage to wear this makeup and hair!

Neetu avatar
Neetu 21 Out

Just everyday in Tokyo, doing that in Europe is a completely different thing

Roopy avatar
Roopy 23 Out

wow. you're such a world traveler! Cool!

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