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EURo starts the week sideways

Monday morning snooze fest turned into some U.S. dollar strength after noon, but which was soon followed by a mean reversion move back into the snooze area.
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FX Webinar Schedule January 30, 2017

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CommunityTV avatar

@Docdow has already kicked off!

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Economic Calendar (Monday)

La semana comenzara con una intensa agenda dentro del Calendario Económico. El día de hoy veremos interesantes movimientos, en especial en el EUR y los pares de divisas relacionados con la moneda única. Sera oportuno, observar con atención especial los movimientos del par EUR/USD.
A las 8:00 (GMT) conoceremos el Indice Ifo de Confianza empresarial en Alemania, y luego, a las 15:05 (GMT) el presidente del Banco Central Europeo (ECB) Mario Draghi dará una conferencia. Seguramente el merc…
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Monday - nontrending day

First day of trading week and we have some up,down,up,down moving and definatly nontrending moving. Today my best trade was on eurcad where i earned 34 pips. Commonly on monday didnt trade on tp with much pips because first day of trading week everyone are carefull about puting big postions. Scalping is the most usefull strategy on monday. In the chart i looking eurcad if break rectangle up i will buy some, if break down, going sell, simply and functionality. Happy trading to all!!!!
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Economic Calendar Monday

Para el inicio de la próxima semana semana solo veremos 2 datos que impactaran el las monedas correspondientes, una para el AUD, y otro para la GBP.
Hora 00 GTM
01:30-------------------ventas minoristas AUD
08:30-------------------PMI del sector de la construccion GBP
Recuerde que después de una semana pasada con muchos datos, las monedas se acomodaran durante las primeras horas del inicio del mercado.
Sea prudente al operar durante esos momentos!!
Éxitos en sus comercios!!
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Dollar strength to start the year

Quite a lot of action for a Monday but it's not an ordinary day. A volatile first trading day of 2016 has seen the dollar rise and stock fall. Commodites have been mixed but mostly lower.
Yen was the only major currency that beat the dollar on this risk-off day. Offshore renminbi climbed to new multi year highs while PBOC set yuan reference rate to 6.5032 overnight.
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Question of the day. Hard Monday

You had an awesome girls night out yesterday, but now you struggle to lift your head up in the morning. A look in the mirror strikes fear in your heart: your gorgeous look is gone without a trace. If you are lucky, you can spend the whole day in bed getting back to normal. If you are not, you have to get up and go to work or an important meeting. So what do you do to get going after a wild night? Share your little secrets how to pull yourself together. Who knows, they may come in handy next Mond…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 26 June

Делаю в точности, как Olga18375 ....работает безотказно....ну и аспирин нам в помощь сутреца))

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 27 June

Olga18375  э н т э р о с г е л ь ....записала))))....!

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 27 June

прочла я инструкцию...а вы уверенны?))..

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 28 June

уверена)) помогает прочистить все так, что ты будешь стерильный и как огурчик)) многие знают о нем. Советую) хоть и редко пользуюсь

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 28 June

это сорбент, как уголь при отравлениях и еще чем-то. это самое то!

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Where is Price going next?

What is the next trend move?
Which currency to focus on?
Which pair to place trades in?
Monday drought?
I have decided not to bother with these questions.. ..I simply set pending orders in some pairs and will wait and see...
My poker game today was not so bad..finished 23rd...I think i am getting is a monday, so market movements might be a bit sluggish...
but the U.S session might bring in some activity..
My contest account is currently at 109k, and i am ready to get more.. ..This is …
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Daytrader21 avatar

yep this market is boring, absolutely dead!!

ANABEVZ avatar

wow)) good design)

VictoriaVika avatar

superb )

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Monday's are usually low volatility day compare to other days and today is no different with majority of forex pairs are ranging and unable to complete even 50% of 21 Day ATR. So no trades executed today. However, from tomorrow onwards this week is filled with heavy news events, so there is going to be lot of volatility and price whipsaws, so be ready for grab some pips.
Here are some trading related quotes from my favorite traders, Enjoy:
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VikaChechenkova avatar

great quotes. I will  remember

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Monday Trades!!

There are days when you come to your forex screen expecting a lot of action. Expecting to see/catch 100 pips from a single trade; expecting volatility that will raise your equity and give you something to look forward to.
Instead, you get a day like this....charts are moving in a very undefined manner...The "hot" pairs are barely moving, they are moving upwards and downwards, but barely moving or showing a trend...Next thing you know, you are executing several trades...suddenly the market comes …
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khalidamassi avatar

Funny photo +++++

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