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МВФ разрешил кредитовать Украину в случае дефолта по российскому долгу

Москва. 8 декабря. INTERFAX.RU - Совет директоров Международного валютного фонда утвердил новые правила, позволяющие кредитовать должников даже в случае дефолта по суверенному долгу, сообщило агентство Bloomberg со ссылкой на представителя фонда Джерри Райса.
Министр финансов России Антон Силуанов заявил, что решение МВФ об изменении политики организации в отношении стран, имеющих задолженность перед официальными кредиторами, принято исключительно в ущерб России и вынуждает РФ готовить документы…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Greece Saga Final Act

This time around the count down has started for Greece and they are really running out of time. Recent developments in the past 24 hours have been quite substantial and make no mistake about it Greece is going to default as IMF has send quite a strong message that they are not going to move the deadline for the debt repayment which is 30 Jun and the Greek referendum over paying/nopaying the debt is useless.
  • Greece bank Run
Photo Source: TheGuardian

The tell-tale signs of disaster wi…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Daytrader21 avatar

pipx I just wish I would be that smart to know how things will unfold, unfortunately we'll have to wait and see how the market will open, it will be interesting

pipx avatar
pipx 28 Cze

Maybe we can try this on a demo, sell EUR/USD +50 pips above Friday close, I will also mess around  with EUR/CHF :-)

Daytrader21 avatar

EUR/USD has just opened at 1.1000....-160 pips gap :)

Daytrader21 avatar

Now on EBS is 1.0965 but semi-official FX open in another hour

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Coming week will be about the euro

The coming week will probably be all about the Euro
Germany and other Eur countries say that is necessary that a deal with Greece happens soon
The current proposal is rejected by Greece
Rumors are spreading all throughout the Forex world, and traders are anticipating
Eur/Usd shows no intention of moving down,
which indicates that it is waiting to rally on a Greek deal
On the other hand there is the possibility of a Greek exit
because Germany has said that the current proposal must be accepted
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
Stix avatar
Stix 14 Cze

Thanks. :) :)

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Competitive devaluation by the US? Unthinkable

What an interesting week. The Armageddon that was really never going to happen, surprise, surprise, didn`t happen. The world has been spared the indignity of a technical default by its MVP – but in its place is a feeling of disappointment and uncertainty about the US that I find uncomfortable and not a little unsettling.
The eventual easing of the dollar this week has reflected a muted and slightly numb reaction to the outcome belatedly coming from Washington, and it is now, regrettably going to…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Is payment prioritization is technically possible?

The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution would allow President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. However, White House advisor Gene Sperling on Rtrs.
“Invoking 14th amendment would work only if global markets did not see extended legal battle”
I can’t see that happening. They’re still raising the issue of prioritization so it seems like it’s firmly on the table. It sounds like they’re opening the door a bit here. Then again the chance of a legal fight is virtually 100%, so…
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