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Last year I worked on a refresher course in the direction of "Game Graphics". One of the tasks was to create a demon, but not in the sense of the evil creatures from hell, but just creating an unusual mythical creature. I have done more than 10 designs in one day and one character was selected as a main, which I then refined. The result is an elemental demon who knits the thread of time, making certain events occur by the fate in the world. Of course, I understand that I can draw this story bett…
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DaShik avatar
DaShik 26 July

а ты мультипликатор по образованию, художник или дизайнер? прости, если ты это уже раз пять писала, мне просто не попадалось))

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 26 July

DaShik только 1 раз кажется писала, да и в дальнем посте, не извиняйся;) Я графический дизайнер по образованию, то есть реклама, брендинг(фирменный стиль, создание логотипа), немного веб - дизайн. Но мне также нравится диджитал живопись и хочется попробовать себя в игровой индустрии, как наскилюсь;)

DaShik avatar
DaShik 26 July

о, перспективненько!!
а ты еще и английский знаешь - желаю тебе большой удачи в карьере!

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 26 July

DaShik спасибо большое!;)

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Two days ago I have finished my new work for the contest " Home, nice home". It was difficult to draw it, because of many doings: diploma, doing my blog and videos, but fortunately I've done it
The rules says: imagine a nice cozy house with kind hosts and lots of funny pets. Your task - to come up and draw a sketch of the house inside. The host or hostess is very busy in any case, no matter how - cooking, washing dishes, repair, reading a book or even sleeping in a chair - any ideas that will co…
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harih avatar
harih 31 July


cao avatar
cao 4 Aug.


mohmmed11 avatar

good jop

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Drawing in different styles

In the winter, I participated in a contest "So different OS", whose task was to draw a self-portrait or a character in 16 different style (style 1 - 1 specific artist). Drawing was allowed on paper and using digital painting. A month of hard work gave me remarkable results - I realized how it's really difficult to do some of the techniques, but before it you could think of these paintings - what a daub?) Despite the fact that I do not like the style of some of the artists, I liked to draw some o…
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williamb avatar
williamb 19 July

beautiful paintings

hrustiashka avatar


Elens94 avatar
Elens94 23 July

williamb , hrustiashka  спасибоу!)

harih avatar
harih 31 July


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I recently painted the work for the competition for the, entitled "Shadow fight". I was not interested so much in prize money fund, but was pleased another prize - free studing in a scream school or a discount on tuition. I did not win, but I realized how important such competitions are - working for a month (7 to 12 hours a day), I elevated my skills so much (you can look at the first sketches and the final result). I hope that someday my skills will rise a lot and I will study as a c…
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Elens94 avatar
Elens94 7 July

Даша, спасибо большое!;) По правде говоря я иногда ставлю свою фотографию рядом и смотрю светотень, если не могу найти другого подходящего референса;D

DaShik avatar
DaShik 7 July

на мой взгляд вполне логично рисовать часами если девушку, то себя, а если мужчину, то принца мечты))
ох, красота неимоверная! жаль, что для призового места этого не хватило!.. 

Marshall avatar
Marshall 10 July


BhimSha56166409 avatar


harih avatar
harih 31 July


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Let's talk about hobbies. О наших хобби.

Hi everybody!
Today I would like to share something with you. It's my hobby- drawing.
About a couple of years ago I didn't know that I like spending time drawing. Sometimes, I could just sit and draw something, when I was bored. Especially, I liked drawing portraits of people, and it was not bad.
But to sit everyday and draw something- I wasn't like that.
And after a while, I explored something, some new feeling appeared in me, something, what didn't let me put the pencil down.
Generally, I draw…
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s_amira avatar
s_amira 15 May

Очень красиво!

AlinaSelina avatar

Спасибо =)

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Send a drawing to the moon!

"The Moon Drawings project is an effort of the Moon Arts Group, an initiative at Carnegie Mellon University to extend the reach of artistic expression to the Moon." The selected drawings will be onboard a future SpaceX rocket to the moon.
The submission process ends up tonight May 7th, 2015, at 11:59pm EDT. To infinity and beyond!!
Here's mine, it's my author's signature, just pleasing the ego...
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