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January Release of Dukascopy Bank Sentiment Index

January Dukascopy Bank Sentiment Index
Video version is available here.
 Prospects of the global economy as seen by the participants of the Dukascopy Bank SA January poll became less attractive compared to the December poll’s results as the six-month sentiment index decreased 0.02 to 0.64, while the three-year outlook stood unchanged at 0.73.
 European economic sentiment index was slightly down compared to the last month’s reading. The January forecasts within the region showed 0.53 for the si…
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December Release of Dukascopy Bank Sentiment Index

December Dukascopy Bank Sentiment Index
Video version is available here.
Participants of the Dukascopy Bank SA December poll share a positive view on the global economy and its future development as both the six-month and three-year economic sentiment indexes improved to 0.66, which is a highest reading since the records began, and 0.73, respectively.
Experts’ six-month outlook on the European economic conditions did not change dramatically and gained 0.01 from the November reading of 0.53, whil…
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November Release of Dukascopy Bank Sentiment Index

November Release of Dukascopy Bank Sentiment Index

Video version of the report will be available here.

- The six-month global economic expectations improved in November, whereas the three-year index decreased, a Dukascopy Bank SA poll showed. The six-month economic sentiment index inched up 0.01 to 0.63. The three-year
economic outlook worsened 0.02 to 0.71.
- Respondents did not change their view on the six-month European economic outlook, yet experts became less optimistic about the three-y…
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July Release of Dukascopy Bank Sentiment Index

Full report(Video version will be available shortly. You will be able to access it here.)- The six-month global economic sentiment index rose to 0.59 from 0.57 in June. The three-year economic outlook deteriorated 0.03 to 0.66, the lowest level since October 2012.- The European six-month economic outlook improved 0.04 to 0.42. The three-year economic prospects worsened to 0.51, down from 0.58 in June when they deteriorated another 0.03.- Respondents became slightly more optimistic
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