drferre's Blog



We arrived at the end of the Marathon! WOW !! 21 incredible days! Days that were forever in memory, I discovered how good it felt to feel the energy of exercising every day, eating healthier! Everything around us changes, we begin to exercise seeing the world in another way!
After these 21 days this routine will be part of my life now, it has become a habit !!
My relationship with people has improved a lot, I feel more energetic and healthier !!
I meditate every morning at sunrise, substitute my…
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Come on! One day left!

One more workout to keep it off! I confess that I feel exhausted today ... we are on the final line of the finish line! Tomorrow is the big day to see if I lost weight! It was 20 intense days so far! The motivation was incredible because every day I knew I was accompanied by incredible friends in Dukascopy! My virtual friends with the same purpose! This has given me motivation to move on! Thanks to all the participants !!! I wish the best for everyone!
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NikaTigra avatar


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Training Day!

Today was spinning day !!! It's an intense workout, but I burned 380 calories. I am trying to stay within the goal of 1500 calories a day to have a loss of 1Kg per week!
At the age that I am, almost 40 years we have more difficulty than the younger people to lose weight, but with willpower we succeed!
We have 3 more days to sweat !! come on!
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Reading to relax

And to end the week nothing better than sit in the library and read a good book ... it relaxes the mind and exercises the brain at the same time.
Good moments to all !!
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ForexAlyoum avatar


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Meditation: Path to free mind

Our day is already a marathon! We serve customers, analyze taxes, solve problems and more problems! WOW, if we do not have a balanced mind and free we go crazy!
We have thousands of thoughts every day! Yes, I said THOUSANDS! And a routine that I have used so that my mind is not full of thoughts is: I WRITE EVERYTHING IN A PAPER OR SMARTPHONE !! Yes, that gets the subject out of my mind and I can concentrate on what really matters!
Our mind is best when used only as a "processor" and not as a "ha…
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Nothing better than our family!

Today was a day dedicated once again to the family! Our family is the basis of everything ... they are the only people who love us unconditionally. The only thing we will take from this life are the good moments that are marked in our memory, that echoes for eternity.
So let's go! I did a cooking marathon here at home and our youngest son was the winner !! He made the famous "rain cookies" !!! Ahhhh today I gave myself the right to eat a candy! It was pure fun!
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wisdom_consultant avatar

so cool !!!

Julia_Zhulinskaya avatar

какой милый мальчуган на фото!

drferre avatar
drferre 20 Abr

Thank you ladies!

ForexAlyoum avatar

yes , you are right

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Calorie burning continues

And the challenge continues! Today after feeling thinner I was able to walk a great distance !! 3.5KM !!! It was a really good day indeed!
As during the day my office took me a lot of time, by the end of the afternoon I did this excellent calorie burn !! I'm feeling fantastic!
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romantie avatar
romantie 19 Abr

keep moving on!

Julia_Zhulinskaya avatar


ForexAlyoum avatar

good luck

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Decisive week Let's work the mind!

End of Easter Sunday ... a day totally dedicated to the family .. lots of jokes, laughs and great moments.
Now to be able to relax nothing better than sitting in the library and doing a "mental marathon" ... when we are close to 40, mental exercise is fundamental!
At age 40 our body begins to get more tired and then we should devote enough to reading! This does very well! We should have our time for this!
Let's start next week with peace in the world!
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Vicktoria avatar

Easter Sunday is food marathon foe everyone :D

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Family our greatest treasure

Today was the day to hit the road! My family and I are heading for another fun adventure!
It's great to be able to spend time together with our family! The family is the most important pillar of life, without them nothing would have made sense !!
Good moments to all!
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Cremelady avatar


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Eating seafood

One more day of hard work today! Customer service started early in the morning and spread through the day!
But I was able to drink water throughout the day to hydrate myself and of course at lunch a beautiful dish of sea food.
It really is lighter and healthier if you eat seafood
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wisdom_consultant avatar


chebyrashka avatar

слюни льються!))

SmErtNIK avatar
SmErtNIK 14 Abr

интересная подборка питания

Sanju777 avatar
Sanju777 14 Abr

Keep going

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