

EUR/USD FED Tapering Effect (part 2)

It's that time again when all eyes will be on FED and US economic data as today we have two important figures scheduled to be release. Not only that we have the FOMC decision as main risk event on top of that we also have the US GDP figures and US employment figures.
Market expectation for this week's FOMC meeting has not changed as QE tapering is on an autopilot and we should expect another $10B taper. The focus will be more on the updated Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) which will g…
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Prepering the Week Ahead

In terms of risk evens the week ahead is cooling down and the previous week sentiment is likely to prevail. So here are few of the economic data scheduled for release this week:
  • US Economic data:

  1. Retail Sales: Market expectation is for a raise by 0.4% from previous reading of just 0.1%;
  2. Core PPI: The market is expected the figure to came up by 0.1%, with modest gains in energy and food prices.
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Preparing the Week Ahead

After last week terrible US Dollar performance remains to be seen if the current weakness persist or will the dollar get some bid. In coming week we should expect from both US and EU zone some big economic data. Also another big question that we must address is whether Draghi will get more aggressively to talk down the euro but in either case I don't think the market will give a s**t as long as there is no official announcement.Time for talk has passed no it's time for acti…
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FOMC Statement another 10B Tapering?

Right now the question is not if Fed will continue tapering but more how much are they going to taper. Are they going to be more aggressively or will they be very conservative.
If you're asking me I don't think they want to start being aggressively with the recent soft US economic data and beside if they send the wrong message to the market it can easily send the stock market in a sell off, which I'm sure they don't want to be blamed of. More likely they will play it very conservatively and will…
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US - Gross Domestic Product, Trade Idea

Today probably are the last important economic data for the year that are scheduled to be released during US session, as the next week the market enter in the holiday season and during this time of the year the major banks are closed during the Christmas days. Market expectation for today reading are very supportive for the US dollar as the GDP is expected to expend further in the Q3 of 2013, growing from 2.5% to a consensus of 3.6%. Last time we have seen such a high figure was in…
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AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2013年12月20日

Did you know that you lose all your signal subscribers if you get stopped out - it happened to me, I don't see the logic in it though..
btw. Did you see my article?

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2013年12月20日

Are you bearish Gbp/Usd, too btw
I am interested to know if you saw the patterns too

Daytrader21 avatar
Daytrader21 2013年12月20日

Adam, where did you get that from, because i'm not aware of any such of rules. I also had 2 losing position and I didn't lost my subscriber. I'll check your article. Actually I'm bullish cable as long as we can close above 1.6350 on a weekly basis I remain bullish, but I'm speaking here about the long term trend,

HOANG_MAI_NHI 2013年12月27日

Daytrader wrong with sell EUR/USD


Forex Weekly Outlook December 16-20

Probably the most awaited event for the next week is the FOMC statement, and this week is full of important economic data coming from both US and EU ahead of the new year.
This week we had the last EU summit of the year with the main focus on the banking union. Still, this is a long process and currently we have just a draft signed by the EU finance ministers. Also the Market Manufacturing PMI numbers which, measure the business conditions in the manufacturing sector, are about to to increase fu…
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The Week in Summary

Fundamentally speaking there were just a few big economic data scheduled for the past week. The only big economic data was coming from Asia and Australia, and from US we had the retail sales which in November were above expectations coming in at 0.7%, an increase of 0.1% from last reading of 0.6%. Also, this week the US Congress has reached an agreement on the US budget to avoid another government shutdown in January. As usual after this announcement, taper talks hit again the market as the spec…
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 2013年12月14日

I wasn't paying to much attention to these week events but this is an exquisit summary bro. Very good structure and the quality of the info are really good. It seems Dukas had a good call thinking of this change and introducing blog as a must to this contest. It sure surface more things about each trader and what knowledge about the market posses.


Preparing for the week ahead

Preparing for the week ahead it gives you the opportunity to get in to the trading zone before you even start trading for the week. Although weekends are for clearing your heads and recharge your mental battery there is no harm to get your trading plan straight.
The only major events for the week ahead are mostly coming from Asia and Australia. First we have on Monday Japanese's GDP which is forecasted to be downgraded to +1.6% from +1.9% but after latest NFP better than expected figures, in the…
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