Блог 1darkmatter1


EURo In Past Bear Markets

1) The past two major bear markets for the euro were significantly larger than the current one.
2) Currencies are prone to large overshoots.
3) The peak in monetary divergence is not known and even if it was, the incentive structure of interest rates favors a continued decline in the euro.
The first bear market is associated with the policy overshoot with Reagan's stimulative fiscal policy and Volcker's tight monetary policy.The euro's equivalent lost about 58% of its value.
The secon
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driven avatar
driven 24 Март

Thanks for the great info Alok. I have a few questions:
1) You seem to be quoting from somewhere, what are your sources?
2) I take it that the key message is that you/they expect the Euro to drop to $0.80 - any timeline for this?
3) This seems almost entirely about the US side to this, surely economic activity and policies in Europe are at least as important?

Thanks again.

1darkmatter1 avatar
1darkmatter1 25 Март

Hey Uri, thanks for going through the article!
1) I work for the largest stock pitching journal(yes US based), so me and my team compile a few macro articles along with stock recos. Here I only see technical analysis blogs and therefore I post our team's 1-2 macro articles/day for those interested.

2) you can see it as early as next week. I think we will see that drop before the next quarter.
3) Yes, at the moment..its general consensus that Eurozone is weak and the economic activity and policies are nothing that we dont know and are being discussed and debated for a long time (cont)

1darkmatter1 avatar
1darkmatter1 25 Март

(cont.) and its feasibility has long factored in the currency.

Would like to hear your views on this. Thanks

driven avatar
driven 25 Март

1) Ok, that makes sense.
2) Wow $0.80 by next quarter (or even next week!) seems scary - as you say you think fundamentals are already priced in, you think this drop will be entirely due to market sentiment?
3) I get what you're saying, it just seems to me that if we see the Euro drop as precipitously as you suggest it will have to involve more than just the Fed's actions but rather something serious happening in Europe, either politically or economically.

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