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Adrenalin Rush

Вот долго думала,чему именно посвятить этот пост. Меняла прически я миллион раз и цвет волос тоже,начиная от блондинки,заканчивая ядрёно-красным цветом волос. Так же меняла стиль в одежде,применяла на себе кучу образов.... Что касаемо экстрима-было тоже уйма всего: каталась на самых экстримальных атракционах,которые только встречала на своем пути, ела всякую дрянь типо жуков,личинок,саранчи, каталась на слонах,верблюдах,гладила тигров, прицеплялась к грузовику и ехала так киллометры...
Но вот …
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anna_n avatar
anna_n 7 Apr.

действительно экстремальная ситуация!

Yetikola avatar
Yetikola 19 Apr.

Не каждый смог бы выкрутиться))!

Julia_Filina avatar

А как же материнское агенство? или ты фрилансер?

AnitaS avatar
AnitaS 7 May

Эта поездка была фрилансом

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Rope Walking on HIGH HEELS!

Hello, Everybody!
Sometimes I feel myself like this before something important in my life! But when you on the way you can't move back, only forward!
This girl is amazing! Can you imagine yourself walking on this rope? How it would looks like??
"newer look down" this is the key.
I didn't walk on such rope, but I had other experince in Adventure Park !
This is a place for active sports. "Obstacles such as wire ropes, nets, bridges of various construction, swings, logs, ropes, and steps as wel…
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samme avatar
samme 7 Mar.

very brave...............

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Have you ever been on Punks Wedding?

Yes It happens, and Im lucky to catch EVERYTHING!
So yeap, I have been invited to Punks Wedding))
I was asked to be a photograph there. So I do my best)) as those guys who had a wedding party)
What we did? First there was preparation girl, dress, then serious part with document, and then relax part near to the river, drinking, and feeding swans.
I cannot tell that there was something crazy. No ) even more calm than in "ordinary" weddings with lots of relatives and fighting.
This wedding was…
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aldem avatar
aldem 14 Apr.

Alexana5 , уверен, для тебя вообще обыденные образы: ночь, утёс, симфонический метал, факелы, босые молодожёны, гости, мёд, вертолёт под вопросом. До распорядка дня мои мечты не добрались, лишь до самой церемонии в её общих малоконкретных чертах. Ещё не по душе, что молодожёнам диктуют, что говорить, думаю, надо без этого обходиться.

aAndriusik avatar
aAndriusik 20 Apr.

:DD Lol

AlexLuk avatar
AlexLuk 23 Apr.


Alisabremen avatar

punx not dead!

Sergej1 avatar
Sergej1 29 Apr.

haha great

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Trading Quotes - Confidence comes from Hard Work & Experience (#277)

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A big mistake

Hello, The other day, I placed an order that I was very excited about. I had done all my research and all signs were pointing me towards creating a Sell order. When I was creating the order, I got too excited and rushed it. Because I was rushing, I didn't set my SL to the correct price. The price started to move against me, hit my SL, then proceeded to go in the direction I predicted it would. It was very frustrating to watch the price go in the direction I had predicted. It's the classic case o…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 17 July

if you are beaten out on foot, or you enter again into the transaction or close the diagram with this tool for some time

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 17 July

generally it is psychologically difficult to lose if in the transaction it is put much, supervise money - they will tell you thanks, the market always renders the patient

Atashi_Tada avatar

it may be hard but next time you'll be wiser and everything will be great! :) good luck in trading

djashes avatar
djashes 23 July

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. It means a lot to me :)

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