
タグ・フィルター:  Hard Work

USD/JPY - USD DATA Weeker, no rate hike, Support broken

I will continue work on USD/JPY analysis. As You can see on the chart I would like to reinforce downtrend. Last fundamentals convinced me to keep estimation of keeping current trend, As a strong resistance I see EMA 100 on daily chart as shown below. we can reach once to this level before December dropping later and braking support ad ending on 98,99level.
The 2nd chart will represent the pitchwork will create the channel of this pair through november
Have a Great Contest
Good Luck to All
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Finally doing a little better

I finally managed to gain a little today
After going long last night and gaining about 30K on Aud/Usd and Nzd/Usd longs
I decided to go long Eur/Usd again, around 1.0870 this time
I accompanied my Eur/Usd long with a Eur/Aud long which, sadly, cost me all my profits from last night at first
The Eur/Usd then finally took 1.09, and I was too tired to let it ride
The pair is like a jojo and it is driving me crazy
I closed my Eur/Aud position around break-even, which is ok
I looked, and I am back in…
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VALTRAD avatar
VALTRAD 2016年01月19日

Завтра в Англии статистика по рынку труда. GBP вероятно просядет ниже.

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年01月19日

Data for UK was good today - I expect that to continue VALTRAD

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年01月19日

and either way - the market sentiment has shifted now to buying Gbp off the lows, data will not make much impact anymore

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 2016年01月19日

That is - bad figures will not make that much impact anymore - good figures will speed up Gbp recovery


Trading Quotes - Confidence comes from Hard Work & Experience (#277)

翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

How to become famous :)

HI, maybe too long blog article but it worth read it! I hope you’re excellent. I wrote today’s message with one idea in mind: to help accelerate your expertise. So you become BIW (Best in the World within your field)….and just maybe the best there ever was (think “The Michelangelo of Manufacturing” or the “Federer of Finance” or the “Einstein of Entrepreneurs&rdquo . And make the world better for the mastery you share… Because it’s all about being so good they can’t ignore you… So insanely grea…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
Furian avatar
Furian 2013年08月17日

just keep yourself of being famous, be normal, be dedicated into jour job and YOu will be famous in deed.

seediee avatar
seediee 2013年08月17日

yes indeed! so true! tnx Furian

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 2013年08月19日

I want to become the best in my field but i don't want to be famous at all.. Fame brings bad things to ...so best and unknown would be a good combo

seediee avatar
seediee 2013年08月19日

I agree with your thoughts Metal_Mind! Thanks all for reading this such a long post...

jezz avatar
jezz 2013年10月23日

Nice to know I'm on a good path. Say that nepotism, self discipline, self esteem, high personal standards and respect make you the Master. That's how I see this post.
