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Help me

In my app there isnot “my dukascopy statistic “ waht i do?
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Help me

In my app there isnot “my dukascopy statistic “ waht i do?
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有任何技术问题, 请发邮件到杜高斯贝 技术支持邮箱: [email protected]
2. 视像JForex_步骤2_视像JForex 初始界面
3. 视像JForex_步骤3_创建新的视像Forex文件
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Hey guys

HEY Guys can someone explain me the rules of miss dukascopy contest? I don’t understand what to do ????????????‍♀️ Really, how does it work? I already loaded my pictures and start to write my blog. What else should I do? Do I miss a link where I can read the rules? I saw some contest in messenger but it seems so boring , sorry guys ???? is it a main rule to take part in chatting ? Also I hope that now I write here more than hundred words, that’s a funny rule about hundred words, like twitter wit…
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QQABC avatar
QQABC 4 Apr.

maybe u can participate in trading contest.

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How I can get a challenge in this appliction? I don't understand.
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Банк Счастья

В Эстонии существует интернет-проект "Банк Счастья")) слышали о нем?
это что-то вроде социальной сети, где люди обмениваются добрыми делами))
только не виртуально, а помогают друг другу вполне реальными делами.
Став участником проекта, вы указываете, какую помощь можете оказать другим: совершенно безвоздмездно погулять с домашними животными, помочь покрасить забор или отремонтировать автомобиль. Также вы указываете, какого рода помощь требуется вам. Здесь нельзя что-либо купить, только обменять …
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Ole_2910 avatar
Ole_2910 9 June

мне нравится, с удовольствием бы в такой поучаствовала))

nono4ka avatar
nono4ka 10 June

я бы с удовольствием поучаствовала, вот только не знаю, какая помощь потребовалась бы мне))

chelseaseera avatar

интересный проект, жаль, что только в Эстонии

Marina12 avatar
Marina12 19 June

интересная задумка))

EXclusion avatar
EXclusion 29 July

отличный проект!)))

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Help With Visual J-Forex (Tips in Bitcoin/Dukats)

Hey who can help me to figure out how to create my own strategy in J-Forex? Will tip $50-$100 USD in bitcoin to the person(s) that are willing to help. Also can do tips in dukats if that's what you'd prefer.
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My dear friends in Dukascopy Community, please offer help !!

Waaah... I got an assignment and the topic of which is about ...
Consider the economic consequences of the sanctions imposed by several parties related to the Ukraine crisis

To be honest, I am not a good student .. I don't often pay attention in class
I am only good at marketing stuff, but not economic or trading theory
So I sincerely looking for help from you guys
Please tell me what to write in the assignment !
The word count is 2000 words
What should be the sub-headings?
What is a must to …
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fxsurprise8 avatar

verindur now that I think of it, little miss Star doesn't like my posts either...

peachynicnic avatar

fxsurprise8 You dont have many posts

verindur avatar
verindur 26 Nov.

fxsurprise8, but she likes you and your ideas. LOL )))))

fxsurprise8 avatar

peachynicnic actually I have a new article *shameless plug*

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

There are lots of articles and analysis in the internet....simply google search (i.e. type your question) whatever you want to know and you will find whatever you looking for. In essence, "Ask, and you will be given. Seek, and you will find".

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This Thursday, let’s make history.

I want to share with you some news!
I knew that Today is Special Day! Here in Dukascopy Community. Geneva Forex Event.
And another action for children rights, UNICEF organisation want to make input in history Just. WOW (for both, and both taking place in GENEVA!)
"On November 20th, let’s make history. ‪#‎IMAGINE‬ "
#IMAGINE is a UNICEF initiative uniting millions of people to raise awareness and funds for children’s rights globally.

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verindur avatar
verindur 20 Nov.

A noble cause. So no jokes. But if you marry your hubby is going to be in trouble. He has to lend everything he has. ))))))))))))))

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