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"Being a successful trader also takes courage: the courage to try, the courage to fail, the courage to succeed, and the courage to keep on going when the going gets tough".
Trader, Michael Marcus
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(If you have questions, comments, write, reply thoroughly!)
Sincerely yours, Traders Kazakhstan team "Powerful Traders"
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Merta7 avatar
Merta7 26 Jan.

I need courage when I am in the opposite direction of the trend))))))

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Interview with Anthony Crudele

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Let's go to an ice rink! It's still cold outside

Привет. Я тут заметила, что, несмотря на то, что сейчас весна, на улице по прежнему не так уж и тепло. По крайней мере в Москве.) И изо дня в день на катке я вижу недовольных дачников, но при этом счастливых спортсменов и любителей фигурного катания. Поэтому хочу с вами поделиться небольшой информацией по первым шагам в фигурном катании и тем самым скрасить ваши прохладные апрельские выходные! Все на каток!)))
Hi. I noticed here that, in spite of the fact that now is spring, it is still not so w…
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tishina avatar
tishina 18 Apr.

Очень профессионально! очень красивое скольжение и желание передать опыт всем, кто смотрит этот ролик!!!

atasoy avatar
atasoy 21 Apr.

wowo very  nice best  .......)

Per1 avatar
Per1 24 Apr.

Very good and interesting instruction video. Well done! Everyone would love to skate :)

BeautybyLesya avatar

I hope so, Per!)

CriticalSection avatar

You present very well on camera, at distance and close up, well done! Nice hearing your voice and native tongue (of course I understood every word hehe) :p The white boots are really cool, I've not seen a similar look or quality in any public ice rink here, only in the sport shops for those a bit more committed to the sport. (or wanting to make a style statement). Good post!

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Weekly review

I can't say I'm satisfied with my performance in Trader Contest. But not because I (again) halved my account in the first contest week. That would be OK if I would have followed my plan, or even better - if I would have one, rather than just half-baked trading ideas.
Nevertheless, I started out with a good plan. I bought GBP/USD (2.5M) with the intention to hold it for at least 200 pips, but it didn't work as expected and I was soon out. Then I bet that RBA will cut rates, but that also didn't m…
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Nihad avatar
Nihad 10 Mar.

The most successful week in my trading career was the one I held a piece of paper, went through the 27 pairs, and the ones that were far from their value area,I selected them, then I made my entry orders right before the start of the week. My best week ever, I swear

al_dcdemo avatar
al_dcdemo 10 Mar.

It probably took you less than an hour, that's really how it should be done. Have a great week!

Nihad avatar
Nihad 10 Mar.

Well the initial list yes, then I examined S&R levels along the RiskReward Ratios and the required margin levels and prioritized them. You too.

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