drferre's Blog



We arrived at the end of the Marathon! WOW !! 21 incredible days! Days that were forever in memory, I discovered how good it felt to feel the energy of exercising every day, eating healthier! Everything around us changes, we begin to exercise seeing the world in another way!
After these 21 days this routine will be part of my life now, it has become a habit !!
My relationship with people has improved a lot, I feel more energetic and healthier !!
I meditate every morning at sunrise, substitute my…
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Meditation: Path to free mind

Our day is already a marathon! We serve customers, analyze taxes, solve problems and more problems! WOW, if we do not have a balanced mind and free we go crazy!
We have thousands of thoughts every day! Yes, I said THOUSANDS! And a routine that I have used so that my mind is not full of thoughts is: I WRITE EVERYTHING IN A PAPER OR SMARTPHONE !! Yes, that gets the subject out of my mind and I can concentrate on what really matters!
Our mind is best when used only as a "processor" and not as a "ha…
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Relax to regain balance

Work is taking care of me today! The market is tense ... but you have to find a balance so you do not let the psychological factor get in the way.
As I have to stay in front of the computer, I decided to stop 1 hour to devote myself to a good reading, something that will help to relax.
I'm reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and it's being a really good read!
Good moments to all!!
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wisdom_consultant avatar

very nice!

Yonggi7 avatar
Yonggi7 13 Apr.

Yeah! Sometimes the market should go up!

ak10 avatar
ak10 13 Apr.

Nice idea.

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Good energies for next week

End of the day! It's full moon !! Time to meditate and be thankful for the weekend to start a new week full of energy!!
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