BeautybyLesya's Blog


Mic Check 1 2 1 2

Hello, everybody! Thanx for another great task! Well, I decided to make an interview with my good friend. Actually, he is a very serious person, but not today as you can see)) So, hope you will like our discussion about everything.
Me: Do you know that the New Year is coming soon?
V. : Yes, seems that it is soon.
Me: In how many days?
V.: Well, today is 25th, that means that in 3 days!
Me: Really?
V.: Yes!
I wish I could translate you everything, but anyway, we both wish all of you all the best…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dec.

"...Well, today is 25th, that means that in 3 days!"....

...hehehe...well, maybe he really cannot count :p...

fx211pips avatar
fx211pips 21 Jan.

some people have a problem with counting

Starsmil avatar
Starsmil 30 Jan.

lovely pair

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...And then we met...

Hello, dear community! Thank you for such a wonderful question and task! I strongly believe that everything that happens to us is or some reason and anyway will have an influence on our life! Firstly, I'd like to thank you all Dukascopy world for being a part of my life! I can see how strongly and professionally work this team and I'm so appreciated for this! It is always interesting to be in the contest, because all the tasks are amazing! They taught me how to help people, how to enjoy my life…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 25 Dec.

Life is all about learning and discovering new things....the learning process never end and nor should it ever stop.

BeautybyLesya avatar

ALFCORP Спасибо за комментарии, очень приятно получить их от тебя) С наступающим Новым Годом и Рождеством! Всего самого тебе наилучшего и доброго!))

BeautybyLesya avatar

RahmanSL I'm totally agree with you!)

miriam1313 avatar
miriam1313 26 Dec.

where is this?

fx211pips avatar
fx211pips 21 Jan.

i second that, and a happy new year to you

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Christmas spirit

Hello, my dearest community! Can you feel it? Yes! Christmas and love are in the air!)) The spirit of the new 2016 year is all around us! It isn't so snowy, but it doesn't matter at all! I can hear christmas music everywhere, see a lot of christmas decorations, the air is warm as people's smiles are and I feel myself so happy! I like this period of time, when we prepare us to celebrate the new year, search for gifts and beautiful clothes, spend a lot of time with your beloved friends and family,…
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tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 23 Dec.

you are so charming

BeautybyLesya avatar

RahmanSL Marry Christmas too and thank you so much!)

BeautybyLesya avatar

tdbatinkov thanx) you too ;)

r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 25 Dec.

Merry X-mas!))

fx211pips avatar
fx211pips 21 Jan.

now that xmas is over we should take on the carnival

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Hello, community! Yes, Christmas and New Year party are so close! And of course all the city is so crazy about gifts right now! Huge traffic, lines, huge amount of people everywhere and everybody are searching for something special! Well, to one of my friends I sent a warm scarf of course with his favorite color, a book about Moscow in italian, because that is his native language and because he loves history and architecture and christmas tree toys of course in a shape of figure skater (a boy an…
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tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 20 Dec.

x-mas spirit is everyvere

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 21 Dec.

Yes, giving a present that means a lot to someone is much better than giving him/her 100 presents which he/she does not appreciate/want.

BeautybyLesya avatar

Starsmil так это в любом случае правда))

tishina avatar
tishina 22 Dec.

Интересные идеи!

r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 25 Dec.

А сколько пожеланий в вазе?)

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Beer store

Hey, everyone! How snowy it is in Moscow, you can't even imagine! So, today I decided to visit one great place in the center of Moscow. The name of it is Beer Gik Craft Store! This store is a "child" of my classmate actually. And I am very proud of him that he created and opened such a place. It is so beautiful inside! There are a lot of shelves with different beer from everywhere: Belgium, Germany and so on and so on, so I couldn't even focus my eyes on something. Beautiful and colored bottles.…
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Metall24 avatar
Metall24 20 Dec.

Пиво спортсменам можно!

BeautybyLesya avatar

Metall24 В каком спорте?)

tishina avatar
tishina 22 Dec.

Если по чуть-чуть, то думаю и спортсменам можно :-)

r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 25 Dec.

Отличное место!)

r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 25 Dec.

Повезло владельцу с работой!)

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Hello dear community! Want to tell you about pirates today!)) By the way, there is one very cute pirate in our community)) Pirates are sea or river robbers. The word "pirate" (lat. Pirata) means "to try or to test." Thus, the meaning of the word filibuster - "try the luck", the gentleman of a good luck. Etymology shows how shaky from the outset has been the boundary between professions and explorer pirate. The word came into use around the IV-III centuries BC. e., and before that it was used th…
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Per1 avatar
Per1 17 Dec.

A great movie!

Per1 avatar
Per1 17 Dec.

You know a lot of things. Thank you for sharing

Per1 avatar
Per1 17 Dec.

Very interesting article!

zambonidriver avatar

I was always fascinated from the pirates as a kid ...

r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 19 Dec.

А ты неплохо знакома с историей пиратства!)

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Live line

Hello, community!) I was standing today in a big line inside the post office. Well decided to tell you about a "Live que/line". The sequence of people is waiting for something (such as the ability to make a purchase in the store, providing a place where to live, etc.). There are different types of queuing from really standing on the feet people to a sequence of names writing down in the computer. The lines for scarce goods were typical of Soviet life. Also appeared a service of standing in the l…
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r_a_o avatar
r_a_o 14 Dec.

Да уж, очередь... Кто ее вообще придумал?!)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 15 Dec.

Yes, most unfortunately, this still happens in some countries.
Perhaps some enterprising person can start a "professional queuing" business ....i.e. que for anybody willing to pay for his/her time queuing for him/her :p..

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 16 Dec.

that is a long line...

tishina avatar
tishina 16 Dec.

Да уж На почте россии можно весь день простоять!

driven avatar
driven 17 Dec.

Sad and funny at the same time :)

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Which food is needed for our organism?

Hello. How interesting is our nature. Today I want you to notice which food is useful for the body, and how certain fruits or vegetables are similar in its form to the organs of the human body. Thus, if it give us an understanding what is needed in our diet and will bring only benefits. External similarity of grape juice or red wine and blood obvious, but beyond that the grape have the most beneficial effect on the state of the blood. Wine protects you from cholesterol, which causes the disease.…
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Per1 avatar
Per1 13 Dec.

I have never thought of the inside of a carrot looks like the eye.

Per1 avatar
Per1 13 Dec.

The walnut though I have heard before

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 15 Dec.

The brain coral (a type of tropical coral specie) looks just like a brain too :))

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 16 Dec.

red wine for me pls.... :)

tishina avatar
tishina 16 Dec.

Очень интересно и поучительно!

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Drawing lesson

Hey, everyone! Today was an interesting day. I visited a drawing lesson. Unexpectedly I found a school of arts on the other side of my house! So, I always liked portraits. Usually, visiting some gallery or an exhibition I liked to watch at people's faces. I don't know why, but it is interesting for me to try to understand people's emotions and feelings, watching at their mimicry. Well, sometimes I tried to draw portraits of my friends. I never learned how to draw properly, just felt something in…
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Per1 avatar
Per1 13 Dec.

I wish I could draw like you!

Per1 avatar
Per1 13 Dec.

You are an artist on ice and that reflects in your art work too.

DavidYoung avatar
DavidYoung 14 Dec.

Good drawing.

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 16 Dec.

very well done

tishina avatar
tishina 16 Dec.

Красиво, молодец!

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Men's figure skating fashion

Hey, community! I'd like to show you how changed figure skating fashion style. But i'd like to show only men's fashion. Changed everything, skating shoes and blades, the cut of trousers and shirts, changed the hair style too, appeared overalls, gloves were decorated with spangles or somebody didn't wear gloves at all. Also there were rag covers for skates with the same color as the main suit. So, I decided to take a look at the last 100 years and show you pictures of famous figure skaters of the…
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Per1 avatar
Per1 13 Dec.

Different fashions every year. Brings memory back some decades showing these pictures.

Per1 avatar
Per1 13 Dec.

They looked great in their time!

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 16 Dec.

wooow, really interesting

tishina avatar
tishina 16 Dec.

Спорт очень изменился с тех времен!

tishina avatar
tishina 16 Dec.

Даже если взять плавание, то одну и ту же дистанцию пловцы проплывали в 1930 г.г. на 10 секунд дольше, чем современные спортсмены!

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