Kivetat's Blog



I was upset when saw this task:-) Really....
I thought about you and your ears...HOnestly..... My vocal is awful:-) .... For saving your ears i will not sing DUKASCOPY SONG for u....BUt i will share with you video created specially for u:-)....
As you have already know i am a trader...I work in a bank and trading is always exist in my everyday life.... And this trading song of that handsome but also not very talanted singer can become a good addition to my trading career:-D
So dear all p…
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VictoriaVika avatar

Gosh, Tatevik, how beautiful and sharming you are.

EvanPage avatar
EvanPage 13 Nov.

VictoriaVika I Completely agree with You! :)

Uladzimir avatar


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Emotion Challenge

How funny, crazy and emotional we are....
NOone knows how can we react and take actions in this or that situation. But as we have good imagination we can be different and can show our emotions and expectation very colorful, very bright and very cool....
Dear friends this task is very interesting and very easy to perform...Because i am an actress and i am a challenger....
I hope u will guess my emotions....and just have fun:-))))
1. Where is my keys??
2. OMG....i must g…
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xetra777 avatar
xetra777 23 Oct.

Cool :-D

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Find your Seat

FAshion week....Sea of champagne....Sea of smiles and different emotions full with love and laughter....
It can be very important event because meeting with talanted, creative, kind, interesting and enthusiastic people always can change your life, can bring to you new knowledge, new emotions, new sides of views, can give you chances and breathtaking changes:-)
My point of view how to create your look of day is on second on pipeline.... I think when woman or man are self confident they can achive…
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HOME avatar
HOME 21 Oct.

very beautiful

VictoriaVika avatar

Very -very, agree.

mcquak avatar
mcquak 30 Oct.

Greatly  written, thanks

Uladzimir avatar


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Japan Inspired

HI everyone,
China is on trend now:-)
Chinese women as I can understand take care a lot of themselves and they can take hours to apply makeup. Sometimes it is more than they need:-)
I want to share with you some impressive information about what kind of makeup is trendy in China now.
I want to share with you the most common makeup trends that we can see on Chinese women's faces in the street>
Of course everywhere we can meet GLAMOUR and in China also. So the first one is Glamour:
The Chinese gla…
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Gannochka avatar
Gannochka 20 Oct.

+30 Dukascopy Compliment

Tach avatar
Tach 20 Oct.

I like natural:)))

Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 20 Oct.

@gannochka Anya spasiiiiibo:-****

VictoriaVika avatar

Ангельская красота на мой взгляд )

mcquak avatar
mcquak 30 Oct.

Glad I do need to do makeup everyday as women. :-)

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EURovision song contest 2016!!!

Eurovision song contest is taking part annually and it is very bright event.
This competition has been run every year for sixty years. Did you watch semi final-1 and what do you think about this contest??
What country's song did you like most and for whom will you vote for?? Maybe we will discuss this after semi annual 2 when all competitors will present their counties:-)
But i would like to share with you my Armenia's DIVA IVETA..... I am sharing with you in order if you haven't managed to watc…
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tdbatinkov avatar

interesting :)

Tach avatar
Tach 11 May

класное шоу, мне понравилось

Tach avatar
Tach 11 May

много хороших песен

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Aurora Mardikanyan.....Survivor.....

The story is verified by the 100 LIVES Research Team.

Story about Aurora Mardiganian.
She is known as Armenian’s Jann’d’Arc – a woman who lived through uncountable hrrors of the Genocide and then heroically relived then in a book and film of h
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tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 25 Apr.

yes, that is a remarkable person

Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 25 Apr.

tdbatinkov  thank u dear)) i hope it was interesting and informative....)) Thanks again

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It’s The Fashion Police!

What do you think?? What is it fashion??? And must people follow the fashion?? Must they always be in trend?? Oooor they must follow the rules which have been determined by themselves??
These are the questions which are always not definitely for me.
At first of all I always follow my rules but at the same time I am trying to come up with trend and feel fashionable and beautiful myself. I always choose comfortable outfit which is equip me and the place where I go. You needn’t always be in lux…
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Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 22 Apr.

Vicktoria and what do u think? What isthe fashion? What should  people  follow?

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 23 Apr.

nice couple :):):)

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 23 Apr.

Tach ... you are right :)

driven avatar
driven 2 May

Dress the way you want.

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Go Hard or Go Home!

Dear all,
To my thoughts when you choose your job you need to become familiar with what you do and for sure with the atmosphere where u are spending most of your day. For sure work is very important but more important not to work in hostile atmosphere....Only in relaxed condition u can create and become an asset for your company and colleagues.
Now a bit about my job.... I have started my banker career already 6 years and of course at first my occupation wasn't the best one.... But my enthusiast…
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tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 20 Apr.

really nice

Mariia avatar
Mariia 20 Apr.

Kivetat вот правду говорю! для меня девушка и финансы-это как "невероятно,но факт"!!!!!

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 22 Apr.

good luck!

Faster avatar
Faster 6 May

Really nice

rudolf avatar
rudolf 6 Aug.


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To buy or not to buy…?

Nowdays become very popular getting news, finding needed information via internet using some devices: tablets, phone, notebooks and etc..
And i have tried to remember when i used newspaper or magazine to find information, to get latest news, to stay at the center of action....And can't remember:-(
BUt using books in electronic form is not acceptable for me... Because using papered book is so comfortable...the smell of book is irreplaceable....
I am from the generation who also tried to use KINDL…
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ClauTrade avatar
ClauTrade 15 Apr.

TateviK.. you are a romantic!! ;) ...nice!

Tach avatar
Tach 15 Apr.

как давно я не читал книг:)

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 20 Apr.

the answer is - to buy :)

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Lucky finding or the biggest regret

hi dear community, dear friends and known and unknown people:-))))
It is nice feeling "BACK HOME" :-)))
And after long absence i'll submit this first task with big pleasure and good emotions.
It was not difficult to find out what was the last purchase because i made it the day before yesterday:-)
To be honest not for me:-)
APRIL 14 is BIG DAY for me.....My mother's birthday....Woman who is dearest, lovest, beauties and simply irreplaceable person of my life.... I have tried to made her day unfor…
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Tach avatar
Tach 17 Apr.


Vicktoria avatar
Vicktoria 18 Apr.

Представляю как мама была счастлива))

Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 18 Apr.

Vicktoria  yes she was really touched.... And that was for me the best advantage:-)))))

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 20 Apr.


Forex_champion avatar


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