

Go Hard or Go Home!

Our job is the main source of our income in a monthly basis nor if we have business still it's our job to run it well. At first we became dedicated and give our full time because we are excited to learn things, to meet and to deal people, to solve concerns that may arise, to meet expectations and deadlines that are given to us by our boss and when these things are going smoothly we are totally happy and satisfied to whatever the result but how about if it is counterpart or messed up?
As one of t…
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Vicktoria avatar
Vicktoria 2016年05月02日

You wrote in general. What's your job?))


Fake Chic

Fake products are copies of original products and are used to make money by selling the cheaper versions for a very high price. Most of the time people buying fakes products because of its cheaper price and the effect of this are the poor quality and the high risk of short span of usage. Below are the two considerations we can use as a reference if we're into fake things or not:
1. Do we need the products for longer use? If so, don't go for fake because the span of usage might be as double as th…
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nastiatru avatar
nastiatru 2016年05月02日

Do you have any fake brand clothes or accessories in your collection?

Vanj avatar
Vanj 2016年05月03日

Honestly I don't have any collection even if it is fake, instead to buy things I'll just save it :)


Brand new face

Fashion is a popular style or practice especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, make-up, body or furniture. It is a distinctive and often habitual trend in the style in which a person dresses. It is the prevailing styles in behavior and something we deal everyday.
Despite of my limited knowledge of the fashion industry I am fortunate to share this video clip which is very expressive yet not too expensive just to in the trend. My personal point of view to fashion, "Fashion is not just those…
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Express yourselves

Expressing our own feelings in unintended situations makes us feel better as long as the intentions of our heart is for our own good, whether we are expressing that we have been hurt, currently having in pain or happy.. the most important part for this is that we are true enough how we feel inside and makes us feel more better. But be ready how the response of the people who surrounds us because not all can understand it and we can't please each person but if we feel one person that they are sym…
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Little kindness yet fulfilling within :)

Each one of us has its own daily task to do, attending classes, meetings, deadlines, etc. almost we forgot to pause and make one of our love ones to touch them and make them smile within. Now why don't we try one of these simple act of kindness no matter how small for them to feel how we love them, it will never be wasted
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Give out free hugs
  • Write few notes for few family and friends
  • Donate books to a library
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Great Start within :)

"Our true is measured by the courage, wisdom and love." Bo Snachez
It's easy to say these positive attitude most especially if we are dealing with though situations, the courage in our deepest intuition would give us the opportunity to use the right wisdom we have and finally the result of these two is to love the people who surrounds us, practicing and trying to implement these attitude everyday would lead us into goodness even though its hard to choose, to try... but still.. because in the end…
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Being positive in all the events of our life

"Ships don't sink because of the water around them. They sink because of the water that gets in them. It's the same trouble - we can't stop them what's on the outside: opposition, offense, delays. These are the things will come. The key is to not let what's on the outside get on inside" -unknown
No matter how we feel, when we come to the point where we sincerely mean each word, with all our heart, definitely the result will be differently. Deep within our hearts, it will be happy, contented and …
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Be my Valentine!

Too much late to "BE MY VALENTINE" post
What I can share only, since I am working abroad and not with my family, just remembering those past Valentine's Day I had with my family. We dated all together and ate in what we call "Dampa" (Seaside) where you could eat seafood, grilled or cooked in butter, anything you want to request as long as it is available they will serve, prior to that you are the one who will go to market to buy your foods in the table. All of us during that time were single but…
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Vanj avatar
Vanj 2016年02月25日

thank you guys for the likes :)

Vanj avatar
Vanj 2016年02月25日

thank you for all the likes :)


OMG, look at my selfie!

I really hate uploading selfies but I have lots, sharing this four selfies
First pics, its filtered and recently shot second an old pics when I was in our office taking 15-min break third pics no filter at all, just want to be weird sometimes that's why just wore the eyeglasses forth pics its the same with the second pics. I hope this would be the last selfies :P
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Battle for the body!

Honestly, what I am doing 3 years ago until today, I started to detox my body by drinking 4 glasses of water in the morning and after one hour take my heavy breakfast. In a long run, I added lemon into water plus baking soda (but baking soda last only for weeks because of its taste but its really good). After this, doing some stretching from head to toe, sometimes I did jogging but not consistent. Below is the page wherein you could use for healthy life style too…
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