- Take a selfie with your pet
- Post it in comments (copy the URL address of your picture)
- Get +10 points added to the latest completed Task!
Extra Task!! Take a petfie and get +10 points!
Rate from 1 to 10
Parka coat is Fall 2014 must-have! Rate from 1 to 10 how do you like it and get +5 task points added to your latest completed task!
Куртка-парка это один из главных трендов осенне-зимнего сезона! Оцени от 1 до 10 насколько тебе нравится эта деталь гардероба и получи +5 баллов к последнему выполненному заданию.
Куртка-парка это один из главных трендов осенне-зимнего сезона! Оцени от 1 до 10 насколько тебе нравится эта деталь гардероба и получи +5 баллов к последнему выполненному заданию.
Some thoughts on the new Trader contest and Tips
Before I get into a Trading plan for next week - I will post this tomorrow
First of all I would like to share some trading experience that I have with you,
I hope it is useful to you - I think it is helpful for the new Trading rules:
One important thing that I finally learnt this week was to keep my position amounts lower towards the weekend close
The equity change from 1:100 to 1:30 Friday evening is a killer if you are in too large - and you will get closed out
So, keep your position amounts l…
First of all I would like to share some trading experience that I have with you,
I hope it is useful to you - I think it is helpful for the new Trading rules:
One important thing that I finally learnt this week was to keep my position amounts lower towards the weekend close
The equity change from 1:100 to 1:30 Friday evening is a killer if you are in too large - and you will get closed out
So, keep your position amounts l…
FOREX: the points mean proportional money
FOREX: the points mean proportional money / los puntos son dinero proporcional / les points sont de l'argent proportionnel. - 609.7 points on a position in the Forex market is a lot, if I was betting $1/point I would win $609.7, for $5/point I would win $3048.5, etc. Welcome to Forexgrange- 609,7 puntos sobre una posición en el mercado de divisas Forex es mucho, si yo apostando $1/point yo ganaría $609.7, para $5/point yo ganaría $ 3,048.5, etc. Bienvenido a Forexgrange. - 609.7 points sur une p…