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Extra Task!! Take a petfie and get +10 points!

  1. Take a selfie with your pet
  2. Post it in comments (copy the URL address of your picture)
  3. Get +10 points added to the latest completed Task!

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Teodora avatar
Teodora 31 10月

Duke and meee #petfie

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 10月

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 10月

А это моя любимая малышка Мира ^_^

Doublefaced avatar
Doublefaced 31 10月

Щекастые лисоньки ~


Rate from 1 to 10

Parka coat is Fall 2014 must-have! Rate from 1 to 10 how do you like it and get +5 task points added to your latest completed task!
Куртка-парка это один из главных трендов осенне-зимнего сезона! Оцени от 1 до 10 насколько тебе нравится эта деталь гардероба и получи +5 баллов к последнему выполненному заданию.
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KarynaPavlova avatar

8. This is a nice piece of wardrobe, It is comfortable for walks and camping, it saves you from rain and keeps you warm. Plus, it can hide some of the shapes of your body that you don't like, although I have always considered it more beautiful on skinny girls.
So I put 8 only because it is not really my style:)

Isahanova avatar
Isahanova 29 10月

My mark iiiis....9! I would put 10 but one minus is that if it will be rainy, parka will be wet as well! But I love the style, I love that is very warm. You can wear all kind of shoes with it ! (of course except high heels :D But still its very fashionable and stylish :)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 10月

ОХ, я считаю что это незаменимая вещь. Правда, когда идешь в магазин, или на прогулку с друзьями, не формальную встречу, такая вещь в стиле кежуал будет очень удобной, выглядеть современно, особенно если такая куртка исполнена из натуральных материалов это шикарно. Лично я предпочитаю вещи только из таковых. Котон мой любимый, на пример, для повседневной жизни.
+ Такое пальтишко хочешь того, или нет, заставит чувствовать себя подростком, а это, согласитесь, всегда приятно :)

Maria_r avatar
Maria_r 31 10月

Так что я считаю, это определенно 10-ка!))

Lyudmyla_Ionova avatar

100%, a very useful thing!!!


Some thoughts on the new Trader contest and Tips

Before I get into a Trading plan for next week - I will post this tomorrow
First of all I would like to share some trading experience that I have with you,
I hope it is useful to you - I think it is helpful for the new Trading rules:
One important thing that I finally learnt this week was to keep my position amounts lower towards the weekend close
The equity change from 1:100 to 1:30 Friday evening is a killer if you are in too large - and you will get closed out
So, keep your position amounts l…
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AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 4 1月

Congratulations to you on your excellent performance last month ++

KUTTY avatar
KUTTY 4 1月

That " first day luck rule " ( i named it like that ) is absolutely correct . At one point , i had 2 lac equity,but i pushed my luck too far and lost 50,000 from that. We should go slowly and keep leverage also lower after that lucky day (or after any big lucky days in fact ).Anyhow all the best Adam.

sankit avatar
sankit 7 1月

I wished had read this blog earlier , I really worked hard to keep my conditional orders points intact , but lost them in margin cut :( . I really regret that a lot

AdamFx42 avatar
AdamFx42 7 1月

If you would like to read more about the new Trader Contest, check my Article:

shanziester avatar

great article.


FOREX: the points mean proportional money

FOREX: the points mean proportional money / los puntos son dinero proporcional / les points sont de l'argent proportionnel. - 609.7 points on a position in the Forex market is a lot, if I was betting $1/point I would win $609.7, for $5/point I would win $3048.5, etc. Welcome to Forexgrange- 609,7 puntos sobre una posición en el mercado de divisas Forex es mucho, si yo apostando $1/point yo ganaría $609.7, para $5/point yo ganaría $ 3,048.5, etc. Bienvenido a Forexgrange. - 609.7 points sur une p…
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forexgrange avatar

Thanks for you my people for the LIKE to my posts, analysis, articles and thinking, forexgrange exists for serving you... Good trades...
