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Filtrado por etiquetas:  Shutdown

Why the US dollar is sinking today

The market was reluctant to price in the lack of a taper, until now.
Over the course of the fiscal impasse it became clear the Fed wouldn’t taper in October and probably not December. The market shifted to the January FOMC as a date but with the new government shutdown deadline at January 15, even that’s in question. Some prominent market watchers are even talking about June 2014 for the first taper.
None of this is a surprise but the FX market was unable to sell the dollar until now. Before, th…
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stane2405 avatar

hehe, 2 complicated 4 me

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10 reasons US government shut down is not bad

Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee say there’s a bright side to the government shutdown, listing the top ten reasons:
10. Approximately 15,000 EPA employees are furloughed, making it less likely fake CIA agents at EPA will be ripping off the taxpayer
9. EPA doesn’t have the manpower to raid Alaska mines with armed guards
8. Fewer bureaucrats at the EPA makes it less likely that they’ll make up science on new regulations
7. Former Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar i
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Thanks Anna.

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Gold always a good bet on a dysfunctional government

If you hate the government, you might as well profit from it. Gold is off to a good start this week, gaining $15 to $1325. That’s the highest since last Tuesday.
Gold is above the 100-hour and 200-hour moving averages and technically the short-term picture is upbeat. The real story is fundamentals. It’s sadly (and eerily) quiet in Washington. There is no easy path out from here and that means a good probability this stretches to Friday, at least. If we get that close to the debt ceiling, there …
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Government Shotdown: What happens to the US dollar?

The market reaction to headlines about potential compromise and Boehner backing off the debt ceiling are a good example of what will likely happen when a deal is eventually reached. Unless the deal comes like a bolt out of the blue (rare with so many leaks in Washington) or on the weekend, there will be a chance to chase the headlines.
The biggest USD gains were against CHF and JPY — the safe haven currencies. Expect that to continue. Since last Wednesday, when a shutdown became a real threat, U…
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How Will a US Government Shutdown Affect the Stock Markets?

While a US government shutdown is unlikely to go on for an extended period of time, financial analysts are of course following this turn of events quite closely. In the past, the stock market has successfully weathered government shutdowns. For example, during the government shutdown from Dec 15, 1995 to Jan 6, 1996, the S&P 500 actually rose 5 percent.
Additionally, during the Nov 13th-19th 1995 government shutdown, the same index rose over1.2 percent. However, as the S&P has been currently …
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I agree

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What Does a Government Shutdown Mean to the American people?

If Congress cannot agree on how to fund certain federal government programs by midnight September 30th, the government will be forced to shut down. How will you be directly affected by the government closure?
Well, it could look quite like what happened in 1995 and 1996 when the federal government was last forced to shut-down. The following areas were affected during the last federal government closure:
Law Enforcement Services - The US government ceased work on some child-support and about 35…
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