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USD/JPY entering support zone

Price found some good support on the 0.618 Fibonacci level (of the previous big uptrend) and near the 200 day moving average. Please keep in mind the big red line, this marks a very strong level which acted as support for some big moves in the past.
I have written an article about how I find the best trades and how it helped me to stop overtrading, this led to more profitable trades. You can find the article here, please have a look! I am sure it will help and benefit you!
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I deserve the best, and only the best

First of all, it is undeniable that this topic is sensitive. It is all about the criteria that we women choose our man, or even not choosing any man.
At the beginning, it is important to define “successful”. To me, a successful man should be financially capable, ambitious and with a promising career. I believe that what make a man successful is all about his intrinsic traits and personal qualities. Believe it or not, the personal character can hardly be changed, if a man is born to lazy and slu…
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peachynicnic avatar

speculo_ergo_sum In the middle no no where :)

IAMGOD avatar


peachynicnic avatar

IAMGOD Exactly, 除了彼此的情愫,兩個人的相處,還包括很多價值觀﹑性格﹑習慣各種精神層面上的磨合。唯有去了解,去嘗試,才會知道彼此是否互相適合。合則來,不合則去吧~

fxsurprise8 avatar

??? I always wondered how you people type so I googled it and I found this.

Your keyboards are HUGE!

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Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

I came across tips given by a billionaire and New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, for becoming a successful entrepreneur. I thought I would share them with you whether you own a business, climbing a corporate ladder or trying to find your path in life. Michael Bloomberg shares his own experience: 1. Take risks. Life is too short to spend your time avoiding failure. In 1981, at the age of 39, I was fired from the only full-time job I'd ever had - a job I loved. But I never let myself lo…
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mag 20 Ago


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