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Losing a bit on a too strong GBP

I lost about 30K trading Gbp short today
I was short GbpUsd below technical levels, and had added GbpAud, and GbpNzd shorts
Gbp broke through resistance on strong data releases just now
My SL's on all pairs were hit
I took a bit hit on my live account too,
I am now looking to go long Aud at lower levels, Nzd longs look interesting too
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Charts: 4 HOUR,

The GBP/CAD has corrected sharply after trading inside its horizontal as visible in this daily chart (H4).
This currency pair is now trading inside its horizontal support level
which is marked in blue in the above chart. We expect the GBP/CAD to
rally higher and back into its horizontal resistance zone which is
marked in red.
Indicators: MACD RSI
MACD indicates that momentum is improving, but it remains in bearish
territory. We expect the histogram as well as moving average to a…
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Battle for the body!

Я очень люблю спорт, хотя мы с ним не всегда дружны, но его польза и эффект оказываемый на самочувствие не оценимы! Кроме того? это то действие? которое делает нас красивыми не только внешне, но и внутренне. Я думаю вы не раз замечали, что после активных занятий спортом чувствовать себя начинаешь иначе, по телу разливается удовлетворенность от чувства выполненного долга, улучшается самоощущение, приходит чувство гармонии и любви к своему телу, а значит к себе.
Я хожу в спорт зал 3 раза в неделю…
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yellownight avatar

зимой в спччку надо, какой спорт

Mattie avatar
Mattie 25 Mar.

You go girl!

uber avatar
uber 25 Mar.

Nice. Good humor. :)

Robert81 avatar
Robert81 30 Mar.

спорт - это жизнь!

fxsurprise8 avatar

stretching is nice ...looks nice too :)

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Charts: 1 HOUR,

The GBP/USD has corrected sharply after trading inside its horizontal as visible in this daily chart (H1).
This currency pair is now trading inside its horizontal support level
which is marked in blue in the above chart. We expect the GBP/USD to
rally higher and back into its horizontal resistance zone which is
marked in red.
Indicators: MACD RSI
MACD indicates that momentum is improving, but it remains in bearish
territory. We expect the histogram as well as moving average to a…
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I really like vintage places, such retro, old places and those houses with green plants on them.
Probably I just like when it’s so much green, because my bad vision is thirsty for such things, you know. But whose eyes don't need it as well as mine?
And you know what else? I wanna mention that this house is very beautiful and magical. Yeah, it is. Trust me. Trust me and look at you.
Like you all. Everybody. And remember that and never give up.
There is always someone by yourside, be strong, be
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CAD/CHF-Sideways incoming !

  • Charts: 1 Day,1 Week
  • Elements used: Andrew”s Pitchfork,Fibonacci Retracements,RSI,Stochastic.
  • Current Level : 0.8526
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Stix avatar
Stix 1 Oct.

Best wishes for October. :) :)

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I deserve the best, and only the best

First of all, it is undeniable that this topic is sensitive. It is all about the criteria that we women choose our man, or even not choosing any man.
At the beginning, it is important to define “successful”. To me, a successful man should be financially capable, ambitious and with a promising career. I believe that what make a man successful is all about his intrinsic traits and personal qualities. Believe it or not, the personal character can hardly be changed, if a man is born to lazy and slu…
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peachynicnic avatar

speculo_ergo_sum In the middle no no where :)

peachynicnic avatar


IAMGOD avatar


peachynicnic avatar

IAMGOD Exactly, 除了彼此的情愫,兩個人的相處,還包括很多價值觀﹑性格﹑習慣各種精神層面上的磨合。唯有去了解,去嘗試,才會知道彼此是否互相適合。合則來,不合則去吧~

fxsurprise8 avatar

??? I always wondered how you people type so I googled it and I found this.

Your keyboards are HUGE!

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NZD/CHF - Minor correction!

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.7770
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 July

UPDATE 1: EXCELENT PREDICTION.  Current price action is 0.7732 which represent only a 2 pips deviation from target. This one could be a winner  .

Metal_Mind avatar

UPDATE 2 : Curent price levelis 0.7702 that  beiing a deviation of 30 pips. IT seems the pair couldnt hold at that level. There is time left so who knows,maybe it will recover the  deviation.

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EUR/JPY - Another correction ?

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Fibonacci Fan Lines,Fibonacci Retracements,Volume.
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 138.95
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1: Current price level is 138.80 which at  a120 pips deviation from target. There are several days to go and there is time for the pair to hit the target.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 27 June

UPDATE 2: Deviation increased to 200 pips.

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USD/CHF - Triangle breakout !

  • Charts: 4Hours, 1 Day.
  • Indicators: Volume,Fibonacci Fan Lines
  • Prepared with : JForex 4.
  • Current Level : 0.8878
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Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 25 June

UPDATE 1: ANOTHER EXTRORDINARY PREDICTION. This month i had the majority of my prediction very close to target which is  quite a performance and this prediction is not an exception. The triangle breakout occured as predicted the pair gaining not less than 170 pips. Current price level is 0.8930 which is a 45 pips deviation from target. With several days to go this prediction  has enough time to hit the target. I am very happy with this one and in general i am very happy with my all predictions and overall performance for this month.

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 28 June

UPDATE 2: The deviation  increased in the  meantime to 69 pips as the  price is in a correction right now. With 2 days to go i can say that this prediction is still in the books.

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