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3 Simple TIps to be a better trader.

Hi traders,
It is Friday already and how is your trading so far?
If is not so profitable, read my 3 Simple Tips on how to be a Better Trader.
TIp 1.
Have a enough rest and sleep.
A well rested body and mind will help you trade much better. A sleep about 6-7 hours is good enough during trading days. And during the weekends when the market is closed, try to get more sleep to at least replace the lack of sleep during trading days. Try to get 10 hours of sleep!
Tip 2.
Have proper nutritious food and…
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In my opinion, it is far better to concentrate on just one or maximum two pairs or markets than go chasing after multiple ones in the hope of catching every move. I believe profoundly that if you cannot trade just one market successfully, by which I mean turn a consistent profit, then you are unlikely to succeed with two, three, or more. Some traders can, but they are few and far between and the majority will have at least ten professional trading years under their belt.
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Some useful tips for traders. To be a profitable, a trader must overcome these things:
  1. You must beat your emotions by following a trading plan.
  2. You must beat your ego by taking losses early when you are proven wrong.
  3. You must beat your greed by managing your position sizing to limit your risk exposure.
  4. You must beat your fears by letting a winning trade run when there is no reason to exit.
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I do not blame myself for losses where I followed my rules.
I do not worry about losing money I worry about losing my trading discipline.
I understand that I choose my entries, exits, risk, and position size and the market chooses whether I am profitable.
While trading I am not trying to prove anything about myself I am only trying to make money.
I trade the chart not my personal opinions.
I will quickly admit when I am wrong when a trade moves against me enough to show me that I am wrong.
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Tips on How to free yourself from Fear & Greed

  • Have a trade plan and stick to it.

  • When you trade, have ZERO things that show your account balance ever. If you see no $ value on the chart you will think rationally, rather than emotionally and will trade what the chart is telling you.

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megajorko avatar

Very well said. I totally agree with you

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Tips For Gold

  1. Gold is a good portfolio diversifier, because changes in the price of gold do not correlate with changes in the price of other financial assets.
  2. We can't find the price of gold based on analysing demand and supply rules because gold is not like consuming goods. gold valuation is like stock valuation in capital markets and it is based on investors expectation of financial crisis and decrease in value of international currencies.
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Verenea777 avatar

интересно получается

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Important Tips

Some tips before make a trade:
1.Always use Stop Loss and Take Profit limits.
2.On long trends, use Trailling Stop when you are profiting.
3.Scrutinize every pair, explore the maximum of oportunities.
4.Use and know your indicators, learning about these : Bollinger Bands, MACD, Parabolic SAR, Stochastic, RSI, ADX, IKH.
5.Know chart patterns, combine chart patterns with indicator, combine all.
6.Keep looking for news, is important not have open positions before important news.
7.Take care about f…
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Lazarini14 avatar

interesting! :)

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Some thoughts on the new Trader contest and Tips

Before I get into a Trading plan for next week - I will post this tomorrow
First of all I would like to share some trading experience that I have with you,
I hope it is useful to you - I think it is helpful for the new Trading rules:
One important thing that I finally learnt this week was to keep my position amounts lower towards the weekend close
The equity change from 1:100 to 1:30 Friday evening is a killer if you are in too large - and you will get closed out
So, keep your position amounts l…
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AdamFx42 avatar

Congratulations to you on your excellent performance last month ++

KUTTY avatar

That " first day luck rule " ( i named it like that ) is absolutely correct . At one point , i had 2 lac equity,but i pushed my luck too far and lost 50,000 from that. We should go slowly and keep leverage also lower after that lucky day (or after any big lucky days in fact ).Anyhow all the best Adam.

sankit avatar
sankit 7 Gen

I wished had read this blog earlier , I really worked hard to keep my conditional orders points intact , but lost them in margin cut :( . I really regret that a lot

AdamFx42 avatar

If you would like to read more about the new Trader Contest, check my Article:

shanziester avatar

great article.

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Stain Stain Go Away!

Tips how to clean your stains. We all have been through this...
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mag avatar
mag 13 Ott

ou yea

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Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

I came across tips given by a billionaire and New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, for becoming a successful entrepreneur. I thought I would share them with you whether you own a business, climbing a corporate ladder or trying to find your path in life. Michael Bloomberg shares his own experience: 1. Take risks. Life is too short to spend your time avoiding failure. In 1981, at the age of 39, I was fired from the only full-time job I'd ever had - a job I loved. But I never let myself lo…
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mag avatar
mag 20 Ago


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