Jhonsep's Blog


Quesillo de Chocolate

Para el postre "Quesillo de chocolate" Buen provechoIngredientes:200 gramos de chocolate de taza
Una medida de leche equivalente a la lata de leche condensada
6 huevos
1 lata de leche condensada
½ cucharadita de vainilla
½ taza de agua
1 taza de azúcarPreparación:Coloque en una olla el agua y el azúcar para preparar el caramelo. Cocine a fuego medio hasta que adquiera un color oscuro. Retírelo del fuego y pase a una quesillera, procurando que las paredes de la misma queden bañadas por el carame…
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AnnaVer1 avatar
AnnaVer1 14 July

mmm, I like sweets, I like chocolate)) Thanks!

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Olga18375 avatar


Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 25 May

the best

JockPippin avatar

I like a bit of Strauss but pound for pound Mozart is the best .

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Receta para 2 a 4 personas
- 4 tortillas de maiz
- 4 huevos
- 2 tomates
- 2 dientes de ajo
- 1 chile rojo
- 1 chile verde
- 1/2 cebolla perla (blanca) picada
- Cilantro picado
- Sal y pimienta
- Aceite vegetal
Licue los tomates, el ajo y los chiles (verde y rojo).
En una sartén, caliente un poco de aceite y refria las cebollas con un poco de sal. Agregue la mezcla de tomates y un poco de pimienta al gusto. Deje cocinar por unos minutos removiendo constantemente. Separe del fuego. Reserve.
En un…
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Olga18375 avatar

i like!!! very tasty!! thank you for your recipe

Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 25 May

son muy sabrosos... disfrutalos

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Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 24 May

excelente video

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Future Cars

Science is advancing rapidly. and today we see with great surprise and admiration car industry highly motivated to create novelty. but the improvements seen in terms of bodywork. and I wonder: When cars have no wheels? Will there be some kind of clean energy, which drives the modern car ?. while we are waiting.
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¿Que Regalaría a una Bella Mis DukasCopy?

Yo particularmente, le regalaría a una hermosa dama algo que combine con su belleza y entre estas:
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Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 6 May

bonito y sabroso

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More Music Body

For all traders like me, who work hard to beat the market. after a hard day in the week. to relax with good music and good drinks
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Musica Para Disfrutar

Buena Música para los Traders:
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Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 3 May

a mover el esqueleto

Mariia avatar
Mariia 3 May

who has the perfect music taste?right it is Jhonsep )

Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 3 May

Nicky Jam

Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 3 May

dedico esta canción a las mujeres bellas y hermosas de esta comunidad

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Aquatic beautiful room

get away from work, to a beautiful room with a cute girl. . wonderful.
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JockPippin avatar

Your with a cute girl and your going deep ( nothing better ) .

Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 2 May

excellent @JockPippin

Viktoria_Kapitonova avatar

The room at the hotel Burj Al Arab

Mariia avatar
Mariia 3 May

Jhonsep but what is girl afraid about depth?)))

Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 3 May

no tengas miedo mariia. yo te protegeré en la profundidad.

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An Artistic Look

How many of us appreciate good art?Time ago I visited the paradise beach of Copacabana in rio de janeiro brazil. and I could appreciate the symmetry, volume and perfection in the sand sculptures. indeed, it was a very relaxing day.
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soladood avatar
soladood 25 Apr.


BeautybyLesya avatar

Wow! So beautiful sand sculptures! Thanx for sharing!

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