christiangoni's Blog


Testing my new method

I am working in a new system. It is based not in price but in time and in a context where are the machines who set up the orders and trade the market. This is wellknown that most of the trading in the world is done by computers previously programmed by human's algorithm.
This are the results:
EUR/USD: Price: 1.78 Date: 09/03/2015
USD/JPY: Price: 107.724 Date: 28/02/2015
EUR/JPY: Price: 137.517 Date: 10/03/2015
AUD/USD: Price: 0.76601 Date: 06/04/2015
EUR/AUD: Price: 1.50204 Date: 14/02/2015

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None of them did what I forecasted, at least something is clear, that I am the worse trader in the history of mankind

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Solo quiero advertir que hay una burbuja alcista en el par USD/JPY que va a explotar. Si tienes una cuenta real y estas en compras ten mucho cuidado con esta divisa.
Todos los analisis tecnicos que realizo y los analisis del tiempo dan el mismo resultado, han habido ya signos de cambio de tendencia fuertes pero ha seguido al alza. El precio esta siendo inflado deliveradamente y el proposito de esto es hacer creer que su tendencia alcista no va a terminar, pero esta a punto de hacerlo.
Tened cuid…
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El euro muestra debilidad frente al resto de divisas

La debilidad del euro sigue centrando toda la atención del mercado, especialmente frente al yen japonés y al franco suizo.
La fortaleza del dólar, por su parte, parece que ha estado ausente, ya que el descenso de la cotización del par euro-dólar (EUR/USD) se ha debido más a la debilidad del euro, así como la mayoría de los cruces del dólar han visto caídas parciales desde el gran repunte del dólar a raíz del fuerte informe de empleo de enero en Estados Unidos.
En el mercado de materias primas, l…
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Today is expeceted another good day for the bullish for the pair EUR/USD it is going to be due to something happening today that will justify it.
According to the wave's analysis the EUR/USD still need to show it relative strenght and has not jet reach its maximum for week. The pair EUR/JPY also needs to be push up and that is going to be done but the support his friend the USD/JPY who has found a beatiful lady hidden in the price 117,347 avoiding at the moment the big fall down which is written…
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Today is expeceted another good day for the bullish for the pair EUR/USD it is going to be due to something happening today that will justify it.
According to the wave's analysis the EUR/USD still need to show it relative strenght and has not jet reach its maximum for week. The pair EUR/JPY also needs to be push up and that is going to be done but the support his friend the USD/JPY who has found a beatiful lady hidden in the price 117,347 avoiding at the moment the big fall down which is written…
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A bunch of good news in the Eurozone

Yesterday came a lot of good economic data developing a beatiful downtrend that lasted all day with a 1600 pips movement of the pair EUR/USD.
The formula looks simple at the moment with bad news increasing the value of the EUR and bad ones increasing it. Lets see how long it last to continue being in this way.
Also good news for the GBP/USD but the opposite direction, it could be explained by the wave EUR/GBP which was expected to go down.
As you see, the same news with opposite directions. That…
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El discurso de Wheeler, gobernador del banco de la reserva de Nueva Zelanda, ha sido acogido con optimismo por el mercado con un movimiento al alza del par NZD/USD de aproximadamde ente 1600 puntos. Sin embargo, el analisis hondas sugiere que el movimiento a la baja puede continuar.
Los buenos datos aportados sugieren que la economia de Nueva Zelanda se encuentra sana, con un crecimiento sostenido, una disminucion del desempleo y baja inflacion. Probablemente podemos esperar una subida hasta 0.7…
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Tras el anuncio del banco central Europeo de inyectar dinero en la economia se ha producido el tan esperado cambio de tendencia en el par EUR/USD.
Por otro lado la victoria en Grecia de Syriza ha sido interpretada como un aumento del riesgo en la zona euro. Dicho movimiento al alza del par no va a ser duradero.
Tenemos una resistencia clara a 1.5. No debemos olvidar que las inyecciones de capital anunciadas por el BCE vas a ser a costa de imprimier billetes. del mismo modo en que lo hizo EEUU pr…
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Setup Conditions

The setup conditions are those that must be analysed before buy or sell a currency. The reason to do this work before entering into the market is to avoid your emotions and be based in the analysis instead. Also it will help you to see the overall situation before entering and after feeling really wake up. After that and before enter your bet is important to establish the rules for you to follow and choose your stop lost. Then do your risk analysis. Put a fibonachi level between those 2 points …
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A trading method is a combination of rules to be followed in order to find entry and exit signs on your trades. Firstable you need to set up the rules to enter into the market. Some traders prefer to enter when the market has a high volatility so that they can reach their targets and just do not be there if a large movement is not expected in the short time. Others might prefer to do the opossite in order to do not feel sick and stressed or because they do not have clear where to establish thei…
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VictoriaVika avatar

Good article

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